如何在LINQ to Entities中重写SQL查询

本文关键字:重写 SQL 查询 Entities to LINQ | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:28:19

我正试图在LINQ to Entities中重写SQL查询。我使用LINQPad和我自己程序集中的类型化数据上下文来测试。


SELECT DISTINCT variantID AS setID, option_value AS name, option_value_description AS description, sort_order as sortOrder
FROM all_products_option_names AS lst
WHERE lst.optionID=14 AND lst.productID IN (SELECT productID FROM all_products_option_names
                                            WHERE optionID=7 AND option_value IN (SELECT name FROM brands
                                                                                  WHERE brandID=1))
ORDER BY sortOrder;

到目前为止,我提出的LINQ to Entities查询(由于超时错误而不起作用):

from a in all_products_option_names
where a.optionID == 14 && all_products_option_names.Any(x => x.productID == a.productID && x.optionID == 7 && brands.Any(y => y.name == x.option_value && y.brandID == 1))
select new
    id = a.variantID,
    name = a.option_value,
    description = a.option_value_description,
    sortOrder = a.sort_order,

这是我运行上述查询时遇到的错误:An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.

内部异常为:Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.







如何在LINQ to Entities中重写SQL查询


var brandNames =
    from brand in db.Brands
    where brand.ID == 1
    select name;
var brandProductNames =
    from p in db.all_products_option_names
    where p.optionID == 7
    where brandNames.Contains(p.option_value)
    select p.productId;
var results =
    from p in db.all_products_option_names
    where p.optionID == 14
    where brandProductNames.Contains(p.productId)
    select new
        setID = p.variantID, 
        name = p.option_value, 
        description = p.option_value_description, 
        sortOrder = p.sort_order



var results =
    (from p in db.all_products_option_names
     join p2 in db.all_products_option_names on p.productId equals p2.productId
     join b in db.Brands on p2.option_value equals b.name
     where p.optionID == 14
     where p2.optionID == 7
     where b.BrandID == 1
     select new
        setID = p.variantID, 
        name = p.option_value, 
        description = p.option_value_description, 
        sortOrder = p.sort_order


 var results =
         from p in db.all_products_option_names
         join p2 in (from p3 in db.all_products_option_names.Where(x => x.optionId == 7) 
                     join b in db.Brands.Where(x => x.BrandID == 1) on p3.option_value equals b.name 
                     select p3) into pg
         where p.optionID == 14
         where pg.Any()
         select new
            setID = p.variantID, 
            name = p.option_value, 
            description = p.option_value_description, 
            sortOrder = p.sort_order