
本文关键字:计时器 一个 滴答 然后 移动 随机 他们 帮助 敌人 XNA 任何一 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:54:50



using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Shark_Wars_2
    class Enemy
        List<Vector2> sharkPosition = new List<Vector2>(); //is there a better way for having more than one of the same enemy?
        public Vector2 sharkDirection;
        public int sharkWidth;
        public int sharkHeight;
        public int sharkSpeed;
        float sharkSpawnProbability;
        public Random randomSharkPosition;
        public Random direction;
        double timer = 0;
        float interval = 1000;
        int speed = 1;
        public Enemy()
            sharkPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); //brings up error - see above
            sharkWidth = 64;
            sharkHeight = 44;
            sharkSpeed = 3;
            sharkSpawnProbability = 1 / 10000f;
            randomSharkPosition = new Random(3); //left, right, up, down
            direction = new Random(3);
        public void update(GameTime gameTime)
            //enemy movement
            for (int i = 0; i < sharkPosition.Count; i++)
                //enemy position increases by speed
                sharkPosition[i] = new Vector2(sharkPosition[i].X + sharkDirection.X, sharkPosition[i].Y + sharkDirection.Y);
            timer += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            if (timer >= interval / speed)
                timer = 0;
            //spawn new enemy
            if (randomSharkPosition.NextDouble() < sharkSpawnProbability)
                float spawn = (float)randomSharkPosition.NextDouble() * (1280 - sharkHeight); sharkPosition.Add(new Vector2(sharkDirection.X, sharkDirection.Y));
        // ill worry about drawing after spawning and movement, should be no problem
        public void draw()//(SpriteBatch spritebatch, Texture2D wave)
            for (int i = 0; i < sharkPosition.Count; i++)
                //spritebatch.Draw(shark, new Rectangle((int)sharkPosition[i].X, (int)sharkPosition[i].Y, sharkWidth, sharkHeight);






public class EnemyManager
   List<Shark> activeSharks = new List<Shark>();
   Timer spawnTimer;
   //Just one random instance per class, this is considered best practice to improve
   //the randomness of the generated numbers
   Random rng = new Random(); //Don't use a specific seed, that reduces randomness!
   public EnemyManager()
      //Min/max time for the next enemy to appear, in milliseconds
      spawnTimer = new Timer(rng.Next(500, 2000));
      spawnTimer.Elapsed += SpawnShark;
   public void SpawnShark(object sender, ElapasedEventArgs e)
       Vector2 newSharkPosition = Vector2.Zero;
       newSharkPosition.X = rng.Next(0, 1280); //Whatever parameters you want    
       newSharkPosition.Y = rng.Next(0, 1280); //Whatever parameters you want    
       Vector2 newSharkDirection.... //Repeat above for direction
       Shark spawnedShark = new Shark(newSharkPosition, newSharkDirection);
       //Min/max time for the next enemy to appear, in milliseconds
      spawnTimer = new Timer(rng.Next(500, 2000));
   public void update(GameTime gameTime)
      foreach(Shark s in activeSharks)
   public void draw(SpriteBatch spritebatch, Texture2D wave)
      foreach(Shark s in activeSharks)
        s.Draw(spritebatch, wave)
public class Shark
    Vector2 position;
    Vector2 direction;
    const float speed = 3;
    const int height = 44;
    const int width = 64;
    public Shark(Vector3 initPosition, Vector3 direction)
        position = initPosition;
        this.direction = direction;
    //Draw/Update using the local variables.

