
本文关键字:回报 距离 正方形 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:29:15






    Vector3 pos = holeCenter - terrain.transform.position;
    //flatten area
    int posX = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x * (td.heightmapResolution / td.size.x));
    int posZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.z * (td.heightmapResolution / td.size.z));
    float[,] heightMap = td.GetHeights(0, 0, td.heightmapResolution, td.heightmapResolution);
    float height =  heightMap[posZ, posX];
    int modZone = 9;
    int flatZone = 6;
    for (int x = posX - modZone; x <= posX + modZone; x++) {
        for (int z = posZ - modZone; z <= posZ + modZone; z++) {
            //if within 6 of cave ent (flat zone)
            if (x >= posX - flatZone && x <= posX + flatZone && z >= posZ - flatZone && z <= posZ + flatZone) {
                heightMap[z, x] = height + Random.Range(-0.00015f, 0.00015f);
            //otherwise apply gently to the three rings around the flat area
            else {
                //if on a corner
                bool corner = false;
                if (x < posX - flatZone) {
                    if (z > posZ + flatZone) {
                        corner = true;
                    else if (z < posZ - flatZone) {
                        corner = true;
                else if (x > posX + flatZone) {
                    if (z > posZ + flatZone) {
                        corner = true;
                    else if (z < posZ - flatZone) {
                        corner = true;
                if (corner) {
                    //apply the new height to the old height decreasingly based on distance
                    float dist = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(posX - x) - flatZone, 2f) +
                        Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(posZ - z) - flatZone, 2f));
                    float maxDist = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(modZone - flatZone, 2f) * 2);
                    float multiplier = dist / maxDist;
                    heightMap[z, x] = (heightMap[z, x] * multiplier) + (height * (1 - multiplier)) + Random.Range(-0.00015f, 0.00015f);
                else { //for an edge, only one value is in the modZone, find which, then apply
                    if (x < posX - flatZone || x > posX + flatZone) {
                        float multiplier = (Mathf.Abs(x - posX) - flatZone) / 4f;
                        heightMap[x, z] = (heightMap[z, x] * multiplier) + (height * (1 - multiplier)) + Random.Range(-0.00015f, 0.00015f);
                    else {
                        float multiplier = (Mathf.Abs(z - posZ) - flatZone) / 4f;
                        heightMap[x, z] = (heightMap[z, x] * multiplier) + (height * (1 - multiplier)) + Random.Range(-0.00015f, 0.00015f);
    td.SetHeights(0, 0, heightMap);



    int modZone = 11;
    int flatZone = 7;
    for (int x = posX - modZone; x <= posX + modZone; x++) {
        for (int z = posZ - modZone; z <= posZ + modZone; z++) {
            float dist = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(x - posX), 2f) + Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(z - posZ), 2f));
            if (dist <= flatZone) { heightMap[z, x] = height + Random.Range(-0.00015f, 0.00015f); }
            else {
                float multiplier = Mathf.Clamp01((modZone - dist) / (modZone - flatZone));
                heightMap[z, x] = (heightMap[z, x] * (1 - multiplier)) + ((height + Random.Range(0, 0.0003f)) * multiplier);
