
本文关键字:id 线程 异步方法 方方法 调用 方法 为什么 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:29:15


public MainViewModel()
        LongRunningOperationCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteLongRunningOperationCommand);
    private void ExecuteLongRunningOperationCommand()
    private async Task Test()
        Log += "Command begin: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
        Log += "Command thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
        var getStringAsync = GetStringAsync();
        Log += "Work in Command...'r'n";
        Log += "Work in Command which not related to the result of async method will complete: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
        Log += "Work in Command which not related to the result of async method will complete, thread: " +
               Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
        string result = await getStringAsync;
        Log += "Command will complete: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
        Log += "Command will complete, thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
        Log += result + "'r'n";
    private async Task<string> GetStringAsync()
        Log += "Async method begin: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
        Log += "Async method thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
        Log += "Work in Async method... 'r'n";
        await Task.Delay(10000);
        Log += "Async method will complete: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
        Log += "Async method will complete, thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
        return "GetStringAsync method completed!";


Command begin: 1/6/2016 11:58:37 PM
Command thread: 8
Async method begin: 1/6/2016 11:58:37 PM
Async method thread: 8
Work in Async method... 
Work in Command...
Work in Command which not related to the result of async method will complete: 1/6/2016 11:58:37 PM
Work in Command which not related to the result of async method will complete, thread: 8
Async method will complete: 1/6/2016 11:58:47 PM
Async method will complete, thread: 8
Command will complete: 1/6/2016 11:58:47 PM
Command will complete, thread: 8
GetStringAsync method completed!






private async Task Test()
    Log += "Command begin: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
    Log += "Command thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
    var getStringAsync = GetStringAsync();
    Log += "Work in Command...'r'n";
    Log += "Work in Command which not related to the result of async method will complete: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
    Log += "Work in Command which not related to the result of async method will complete, thread: " +
           Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
    string result = await getStringAsync.ConfigureAwait(false);
    Log += "Command will complete: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
    Log += "Command will complete, thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
    Log += result + "'r'n";
private async Task<string> GetStringAsync()
    Log += "Async method begin: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
    Log += "Async method thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
    Log += "Work in Async method... 'r'n";
    await Task.Delay(10000).ConfigureAwait(false);
    Log += "Async method will complete: " + DateTime.Now + "'r'n";
    Log += "Async method will complete, thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "'r'n";
    return "GetStringAsync method completed!";


有关更多信息,请参阅文章"It’s All About the SynchronizationContext"。