
本文关键字:错误 递归 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:30:10


        private async Task Turns()
        turns = ReturnTurns();
        if (!PFturn && Chips > 0)
            if (Pturn)
                call -= PreviousCalls.PreviousPlayerCall;
                pbTimer.Visible = true;
                pbTimer.Value = 1000;
                t = 60;
                up = int.MaxValue;
                bRaise.Enabled = true;
                bCall.Enabled = true;
                bRaise.Enabled = true;
                bRaise.Enabled = true;
                bFold.Enabled = true;
                B1turn = true;
        if (PFturn || !Pturn || Chips <= 0)
            if (pStatus.Text.Contains("Fold"))
                B1turn = true;
            if (!Pturn)
                await Flip(0);
            pbTimer.Visible = false;
            bRaise.Enabled = false;
            bCall.Enabled = false;
            bRaise.Enabled = false;
            bRaise.Enabled = false;
            bFold.Enabled = false;
            if (!B1Fturn && B1turn)
                int previous = PreviousCalls.PreviousBot1Call;
                call -= PreviousCalls.PreviousBot1Call;
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.ThinkCheck)
                    AutoCloseMsb.Show("Bot 1 Turn", "Turns", ThinkTime);
                Combinations(2, 3, ref b1Type, ref b1Power, b1Status);
                Ai(2, 3, ref bot1Chips, ref B1turn, ref B1Fturn, b1Status, b1Power, b1Type, ref previous);
                await CheckTextBoxes();
                B1turn = false;
                B2turn = true;
                PreviousCalls.PreviousBot1Call = previous;
            if (B1Fturn)
                turns = ReturnTurns();
                B2turn = true;
            await Flip(1);
            if (!B2Fturn && B2turn)
                int previous = PreviousCalls.PreviousBot2Call;
                call -= PreviousCalls.PreviousBot2Call;
                Combinations(4, 5, ref b2Type, ref b2Power, b2Status);
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.ThinkCheck)
                    AutoCloseMsb.Show("Bot 2 Turn", "Turns", ThinkTime);
                Ai(4, 5, ref bot2Chips, ref B2turn, ref B2Fturn, b2Status, b2Power, b2Type, ref previous);
                await CheckTextBoxes();
                B2turn = false;
                B3turn = true;
                PreviousCalls.PreviousBot2Call = previous;
            B3turn = true;
            if (B2Fturn)
                turns = ReturnTurns();
                B3turn = true;
            await Flip(2);
            if (!B3Fturn && B3turn)
                int previous = PreviousCalls.PreviousBot3Call;
                call -= PreviousCalls.PreviousBot3Call;
                Combinations(6, 7, ref b3Type, ref b3Power, b3Status);
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.ThinkCheck)
                    AutoCloseMsb.Show("Bot 3 Turn", "Turns", ThinkTime);
                Ai(6, 7, ref bot3Chips, ref B3turn, ref B3Fturn, b3Status, b3Power, b3Type, ref previous);
                await CheckTextBoxes();
                B3turn = false;
                B4turn = true;
                PreviousCalls.PreviousBot3Call = previous;
            if (B3Fturn)
                turns = ReturnTurns();
                B4turn = true;
            await Flip(3);
            if (!B4Fturn && B4turn)
                int previous = PreviousCalls.PreviousBot4Call;
                call -= PreviousCalls.PreviousBot4Call;
                Combinations(8, 9, ref b4Type, ref b4Power, b4Status);
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.ThinkCheck)
                    AutoCloseMsb.Show("Bot 4 Turn", "Turns", ThinkTime);
                Ai(8, 9, ref bot4Chips, ref B4turn, ref B4Fturn, b4Status, b4Power, b4Type, ref previous);
                await CheckTextBoxes();
                B4turn = false;
                B5turn = true;
                PreviousCalls.PreviousBot4Call = previous;
            if (B4Fturn)
                turns = ReturnTurns();
                B5turn = true;
            await Flip(4);
            if (!B5Fturn && B5turn)
                int previous = PreviousCalls.PreviousBot5Call;
                call -= PreviousCalls.PreviousBot5Call;
                Combinations(10, 11, ref b5Type, ref b5Power, b5Status);
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.ThinkCheck)
                    AutoCloseMsb.Show("Bot 5 Turn", "Turns", ThinkTime);
                Ai(10, 11, ref bot5Chips, ref B5turn, ref B5Fturn, b5Status, b5Power, b5Type, ref previous);
                await CheckTextBoxes();
                B5turn = false;
                Pturn = true;
                PreviousCalls.PreviousBot5Call = previous;
            if (B5Fturn)
                turns = ReturnTurns();
                Pturn = true;
            await Flip(5);
            if (!restart)
                await Turns();



// Player interface - the game engine will pass game state to the TakeTurn method
// The target of the TakeTurn call can mutate the game state
public interface IPlayer {
    void TakeTurn(GameState state);
    // Some info that other bots/players might need to look at
    int Chips { get; } 
    // also add other useful bits of info that other game components may need
    int SomeOtherUsefulInfo { get; }
public class GameState {
    // Is the game over?
    bool GameOver;
    // State information the bots/player will use to make decisions
    int ChipsInPot;
    // Reference to previous player which could help with AI decisions etc
    IPlayer previousPlayer;          
// Both Bot and Human class implement IPlayer which means they can both
// be handled by the same game pipeline step but have radically different
// implementations - such as AI or manual interaction
public class Bot : IPlayer {
    // AI here making sure to implement the IPlayer interface
public class Human : IPlayer {
    // Human player handling code but with same interface
// Game engine simply runs a loop to keep passing turns
public class GameEngine {
    GameState _state;
    List<IPlayer> _players;
    public GameEngine() {
       _players = new List<IPlayer>();
       _players.Add(new Bot("Fred"));
       _players.Add(new Bot("James"));
       _players.Add(new Bot("Arnold"));
       _players.Add(new Human("Jake")); 
    public void GameLoop() {
        while(!_state.GameOver) {
          foreach(var player in _players) {
              player.TakeTurn(_state); // etc - keep mutating state and looping until the game ends
              // Add more complexity here :)