印度网站上的 eBay API AddItem 调用返回“销售税/增值税已从列表中删除”错误

本文关键字:增值税 销售税 列表 错误 删除 网站 eBay API 返回 调用 AddItem | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:30:30

我对任何类型的API应用程序都是全新的。现在,我正在创建一个列表应用程序,以在E-bay印度网站上列出项目。正在使用的 API 版本是 767,沙盒网址 https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/wsapi。我有ebay(买家/卖家)和开发人员帐户的沙盒帐户。

我收到错误说:1) 根据新的销售税/增值税政策,销售税/增值税已从列表中删除。商品将成功发布,您可以修改列表以指定全包价格。2) 您尚未注册或付款方式注册有问题。

ItemType type = new ItemType();
 type.PaymentMethods = new BuyerPaymentMethodCodeTypeCollection();


private ShippingDetailsType getShippingDetails()
            // Shipping details.
            ShippingDetailsType sd = new ShippingDetailsType();          
            SalesTaxType salesTax = new SalesTaxType();
            ReadSettings rs = new ReadSettings();
            salesTax.SalesTaxPercent = 12f;
            salesTax.SalesTaxState = "MH";
            SalesTaxType s = new SalesTaxType();
            salesTax.ShippingIncludedInTax = true;
            salesTax.ShippingIncludedInTaxSpecified = true;
            sd.ApplyShippingDiscount = true;
            AmountType at = new AmountType();
            at.Value = 2.8;
            at.currencyID = CurrencyCodeType.INR;
            sd.InsuranceFee = at;
            sd.InsuranceOption = InsuranceOptionCodeType.NotOffered;
            sd.PaymentInstructions = "These are my instructions.";
            VATDetailsType vd = new VATDetailsType();
            vd.BusinessSeller = false;
            vd.BusinessSellerSpecified = false;
            vd.RestrictedToBusiness = false;
            vd.RestrictedToBusinessSpecified = false;
            vd.VATID = "VATSNO1234567890";
            vd.VATPercent = 12f;
            vd.VATPercentSpecified = true;
            vd.VATSite = "None";
            sd.ShippingType = ShippingTypeCodeType.Flat;
            ShippingServiceOptionsType st1 = new ShippingServiceOptionsType();
            sd.SalesTax = salesTax;
            st1.ShippingService = ShippingServiceCodeType.IN_Express.ToString();
            at = new AmountType();
            at.Value = 50;
            at.currencyID = CurrencyCodeType.INR;
            st1.ShippingServiceAdditionalCost = at;
            at = new AmountType();
            at.Value = 50;
            at.currencyID = CurrencyCodeType.INR;
            st1.ShippingServiceCost = at;
            st1.ShippingServicePriority = 1;
            at = new AmountType();
            at.Value = 1.0;
            at.currencyID = CurrencyCodeType.INR;
            st1.ShippingInsuranceCost = at;
            sd.ShippingServiceOptions = new ShippingServiceOptionsTypeCollection(new ShippingServiceOptionsType[] { st1 });
            return sd;


印度网站上的 eBay API AddItem 调用返回“销售税/增值税已从列表中删除”错误

所以,来自Ebay的.IN网站。 http://pages.ebay.in/help/sell/new-sales-tax-policy.html您需要修改房源,以包含总价(全包价)。


// Before you assign the Item's price
allInclusiveItemPrice = itemPrice * VAT; // Sales tax also if needed
Then set the item.price = allInclusiveItemPrice //BuyItNowPrice or Auction price


2) 您尚未注册或付款方式注册有问题。