MVC Json to HTML table

本文关键字:table HTML to Json MVC | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:55:05


My Json string:

  "stats": {
    "global": {
      "cache": {
        "misses": "5"
      "download": {
        "total-downloaded": "500"
      "error": {
        "config-failed": "50",
        "retries": "20"
      "instance": {
        "resets": "2016-06-23 09:45:07"
      "servers": {
        "server-in-config": "1",
        "servers-running": "1",
        "servers-relays": "1"
    "servers": {
      "12345": {
        "uptime": "0d, 18:01:30",
        "retries": "0",
        "download-size": "54664",
        "server-restart": "1",
        "download-time": "1",
        "start-time": "2016-06-23 09:45:07",
        "logic-time": "123",
        "heartbeat": "1",
        "logic-retry": "0"
      "44444": {
        "start-time": "2016-06-23 09:45:07",
        "download-time": "1",
        "logic-time": "123",
        "download-size": "54664",
        "server-restart": "1",
        "logic-retry": "0",
        "uptime": "0d, 18:01:30",
        "heartbeat": "1",
        "retries": "0"


string json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@path);
string jsonoutput = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json);


public class Stats
    public Global global { get; set; }
    public List<server> servers { get; set; }
public class Global
    public Cache cache { get; set; }
    public Download download { get; set; }
    public Error error { get; set; }
    public Instance instance { get; set; }
    public servers servers { get; set; }

现在我知道有很多文章解释如何做到这一点(我做了谷歌),但我不想使用ajax, javascript, knockout或任何脚本。就是普通的MVC。


MVC Json to HTML table

如果你只想要普通的ASP MVC,那么不要将数据从file转换为json。将它加载到你的静态类型模型(全局类),然后将它从控制器传递给视图,即:

控制器' DataController.cs:

public class DataController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        string data = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@path);
        var model = ConvertDataToModelSomehow(data); //model variable type: Global 
        return View(model);

然后你可以使视图和使用你的模型- Views'Data'Index.cshtml:

@model Global //your model type passed to view
            <th>Server name</th>
    @foreach(var item in Model.servers) //if Global.servers will be collection
            <td>@item.Name</td> //if element has Name property
