仅突出显示 Excel 中的搜索词
本文关键字:搜索 Excel 显示 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:30:58
正在 excel 中处理搜索词突出显示。搜索词保存在 xml 文件中。下面的代码突出显示了整个单元格,而不仅仅是突出显示该特定单词。
string[] arr = XDocument.Load(@"C:'Users'273714'Desktop'Dictionary.xml").Descendants(nodeString).Select(element => element.Value).ToArray();
string str;
int rCnt = 0;
int cCnt = 0;
Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet1;
Excel.Range range;
xlWorkSheet1 = (Excel.Worksheet)doc1.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
Excel.Range last = xlWorkSheet1.Cells.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell, Type.Missing);
range = xlWorkSheet1.get_Range("A1", last);
// range = xlWorkSheet1.get_Range("A1", "A100");
//Do your search thing here
for (rCnt = 1; rCnt <= range.Rows.Count; rCnt++)
for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= range.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
str = (string)(range.Cells[rCnt, cCnt] as Excel.Range).Value2;
if (str == null)
str.Replace("''", "");
string[] words = str.Split(' ');
foreach (string arrs in arr)
foreach (string word in words)
if (word == arrs)
var cell = (range.Cells[rCnt, cCnt] as Excel.Range);
cell.Font.Bold = 1;
cell.Font.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
catch (Exception ex)
Excel.Range val = xlWorkSheet.Cells[18, "C"] as Excel.Range;
string match = "find";
string match2 = val.Value2.ToString();
int index=-1;
//Here apply string matching to find index of first letter of matching sub string
// if the index is not -1 then do following
val.get_Characters(index, match.Length).Font.Color =System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Green);