Foreach 循环中的实体框架事务

本文关键字:框架 事务 实体 循环 Foreach | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:31:23

我正在尝试使用实体框架从Windows Forms DataGridView保存数据。由于某种原因,记录不会保存到数据库中。我想遍历 DataGridView 并将每一行添加到事务对象中,并一次将所有事务(行)保存到数据库中。

我找到的有关交易的信息来自MSDN。在寻找问题的解决方案时,我遇到了这篇 SO 帖子,其中有一条评论,上面写着"我正在例外地捕获这样的异常。它会导致数据库操作以静默方式失败。这似乎是我的代码中正在发生的事情。我没有收到任何错误,它只是没有将任何内容保存到数据库中。

如何原子地保存所有事务并在出现故障时回滚?如何重新组织内容以正确捕获错误?如果注释正确,MSDN 中的代码有什么问题?


// Store the valid transactions
using ( var dbContextTransaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction() )
        Transaction oTransaction = new Transaction();
        foreach ( DataGridViewRow row in dgvInventoryTransactions.Rows )
            if ( !row.IsNewRow )
                // Get the product
                int iSelectedProduct = int.Parse( row.Cells[0].Value.ToString() );
                oTransaction.Product = context.Products.First( p => p.ID == iSelectedProduct );
                // Quantities
                oTransaction.FullQuantity = int.Parse( row.Cells[1].Value.ToString() );
                oTransaction.PartialQuantity = int.Parse( row.Cells[2].Value.ToString() );
                oTransaction.CalculatedQuantity = (double)oTransaction.FullQuantity + ( (double)oTransaction.PartialQuantity / (double)oTransaction.Product.Pieces );
                // Check to see if a truck has been selected
                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( row.Cells[3].FormattedValue as String ) )
                    // A truck has been selected
                    int iSelectedVehicle;
                    if ( int.TryParse( row.Cells[3].FormattedValue.ToString(), out iSelectedVehicle ) )
                        oTransaction.Vehicle = context.Vehicles.Where( v => v.VehicleNumber == iSelectedVehicle ).First();
                // Check to see if the "Source" field contains data
                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( row.Cells[4].FormattedValue as String ) )
                    oTransaction.SourceNumber = row.Cells[4].Value.ToString();
                // Check to see if the comments field contains data
                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( row.Cells[5].FormattedValue as String ) )
                    oTransaction.Comments = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString();
                // Get the transaction type
                int value = int.Parse( cmboTransactionType.SelectedValue.ToString() );
                oTransaction.TransactionType = context.TransactionTypes.Where( t => t.ID == value ).First();
                // Get the current user
                var user = context.Employees.First( u => u.ID == Globals.User ); // One lookup...
                oTransaction.CreatedBy = user;
                oTransaction.LastUpdatedBy = user;                                     
                // Add the dates
                oTransaction.TransactionDate = dtpTransactionDate.Value;
                oTransaction.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                oTransaction.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                // Save the transaction

        // Commit the changes to the database
    catch ( Exception )
        MessageBox.Show( "Records were NOT saved successfully.", "Save Unsuccessful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information );

Foreach 循环中的实体框架事务

您尚未插入oTransaction或将其连接到某个现有对象。EF 不知道此对象是否存在。尝试使用 AddObject 方法添加事务。这会将其注册到 EF。
