Mysql 查询在作为文本传递到 db 时会引发错误,但用作存储过程

本文关键字:错误 存储过程 db 查询 文本 Mysql | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:31:31


SELECT * FROM jobs jo
INNER JOIN units un ON jo.unitid = un.unitid
INNER JOIN complex co ON un.complexid = co.complexid
WHERE co.complexid = xcomplexid AND jo.status = xstatus

这应该获取存储在具有指定状态集的指定复合体(我总是使用 x<column name> 作为我的参数名称并且它们始终正常工作)的作业表中存储的所有维护作业的列表。


where 子句中的未知列"xcomplexid"


虽然这让我很清楚我应该做什么,但我真的不明白为什么 .NET 或 MySQL 真的强迫我使用 SP......这是我做错了什么吗?


private enum FilterType
    None = 0,
    Complex = 1,
    DateRange = 2,
    Subcontractor = 3,
    MultipleSubcontractors = 4
private FilterType filter;
private void loadReport()
    string cmd = String.Empty;
    List<MySqlParameter> args = new List<MySqlParameter>();
    // xstatus will be used in all Report queries
    args.Add(new MySqlParameter("xstatus", MySqlDbType.VarChar));
    args[args.Count - 1].Value = ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Value;
    // filter has been set previously in execution by actions performed by the user
    switch (filter)
        case FilterType.Complex:
            cmd = "select * from jobs jo inner join units un on jo.unitid = un.unitid inner join complex co on un.complexid = co.complexid where co.complexid = xcomplexid and jo.status = xstatus";
            args.Add(new MySqlParameter("xcomplexid", MySqlDbType.Int32));
            args[args.Count - 1].Value = Convert.ToInt32(ddlComplex.SelectedItem.Value);
        // other cases will appear here
    // Database(string CommandText, System.Data.CommandType CommandType, List<MySqlParameter Parameters)
    using (Database db = new Database(cmd, System.Data.CommandType.Text, args))
        Session["reportData"] = db.GetDataTable();
        // db.GetDataTable simply populates a data table
        // with the data returned by the query through the
        // use of a DataAdapter
        gvItems.DataSource = (DataTable)Session["reportData"];

Mysql 查询在作为文本传递到 db 时会引发错误,但用作存储过程

作为文本命令运行时,必须向命令对象添加一个参数,名称为 '@xcomplexid' 才能使其正常工作。就像存储过程一样。

cmd = "select * from jobs jo inner join units un on jo.unitid = un.unitid inner join complex co on un.complexid = co.complexid where co.complexid = @xcomplexid and jo.status = xstatus";
            args.Add(new MySqlParameter("@xcomplexid", MySqlDbType.Int32));
            args[args.Count - 1].Value = Convert.ToInt32(ddlComplex.SelectedItem.Value);


cmd = "select * from jobs jo inner join units un on jo.unitid = un.unitid inner join complex co on un.complexid = co.complexid where co.complexid = @xcomplexid and jo.status = @xstatus";
args.Add(new MySqlParameter("@xcomplexid", MySqlDbType.Int32));