
本文关键字:字符串 何使用 字符 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:31:34

我创建了一个播放器类,并从该类为我的菜单驱动的播放器系统创建了一个数组 我正在尝试使用我的 GetChar 方法来继续显示提示并读取用户在键盘上键入的任何内容,直到 Char.TryParse 可以将输入转换为字符 但是我不断收到错误 当我调用我的 GetChar 方法时,无法隐式将类型 char 转换为字符串,我希望能够将 GetChar 与我的用户输入一起使用


//Creates a player in the tables if the array is not already full and the name is not a duplicate
    static void ProcessCreate(Int32 number, String firstName, String lastName, Int32 goals,
        Int32 assists, Player[] players, ref Int32 playerCount, Int32 MAXPLAYERS)
        string message;
        //Int32 player = 0;
        if (playerCount < MAXPLAYERS)
                message = ("'nCreate Player: please enter the player's number");
                number = IOConsole.GetInt32(message);
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Number Must Be Postive");
            if (GetPlayerIndex(number, firstName, lastName, goals, assists, players, ref playerCount) == -1)
                message =("'nCreate Player: please enter the player's First Name");
                firstName = IOConsole.GetChar(message);
                message = ("'nCreate Player: please enter the player's Last  Name");
                lastName = IOConsole.GetChar(message);
                message =("'nCreate Player: please enter the player's goals");
                    goals = IOConsole.GetInt32(message);
                    message = ("'nCreate Player: please enter the player's assists");
                    assists = IOConsole.GetInt32(message);
                catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Number Must Be Postive");
                InsertPlayer(number, firstName, lastName, goals, assists, players, ref playerCount);
                Console.WriteLine("'n{0,7}   {1,-20}{2, -20}{3,8}{4,8}{5,8}'n", "Number", "First Name", "Last Name", "Goals", " Assists", "Points");
                for (Int32 player = 0; player < playerCount; player++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0,7}   {1,-20}{2, -20}{3,8}{4,8}{5,8}",
              players[player].Number, players[player].FirstName, players[player].LastName,
              players[player].Goals, players[player].Assists, players[player].Points());

                Console.WriteLine("'nCreate Player: the player number already exists");
            Console.WriteLine("'nCreate Player: the player roster is already full");

这是我的 GetChar 方法

 public static char GetChar(string prompt)

        char validChar;
        var input = Console.ReadKey();
        while (!Char.TryParse(input.Key.ToString(), out validChar))
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry - try again.");
        return validChar;


查看您的代码实现,您似乎正在专门调用GetChar函数来获取字符串输入。但是,您的函数一次只能返回 1 个字符。当您尝试将字符直接转换为字符串时,您会收到该错误。我相信这不是你想要的。如果您将 GetChar 代码替换为以下内容,则应该对您有用:

public static string GetString(string prompt)
        var input = Console.ReadLine();
        while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
            // you may also want to do other input validations here
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry - try again.");
            input = Console.ReadLine();
        return input;
