Authenticaion, hash, salt, https process?

本文关键字:process https salt hash Authenticaion | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:31:57

嗨,我想我可能以错误的方式完成了此操作,任何人都可以帮助解释您如何对密码进行哈希/加盐。您是从客户端还是从 Web 服务执行此操作?


  So here is the process in which I was thinking.
Rest Service has https for secure connection
User creates account (along with password)
//to stop packet sniffing when user creates account https is used during POST so no one can see the password? 
web service then creates a hash of the password to store it
//so if anyone did get access to the service/database they couldnt make much use of the data in terms of breaching accounts
Then some means to authenticate that user there after


Authenticaion, hash, salt, https process?



明智的做法是不要重用StudentPassword 属性,因为现在您无法判断它是否包含纯密码或哈希值。