开关语句中的 C# 变量作用域

本文关键字:变量 作用域 语句 开关 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:32:03


    void RecordLoadPosition()
        OdbcCommand command;
        if (_hasPlantGenie)
            command = new OdbcCommand();
            string query;
            switch (ItemType)
                case ItemTypeEnum.COIL:
                    // We're only going to add records to the coils_pg table when the coil gets moved.  After
                    // a record is added, we'll update it.
                   command = new OdbcCommand("select * from coils_pg where coil_id = " + _itemName, _db);                       

当我编译它时,我在 if 块的第一行没有收到错误,但我收到错误,抱怨在案例块内声明之前我无法使用"命令"。 我不明白为什么函数顶部的声明在案例块中不可用。

不过还好。 如果它在案例块中不可见,我可以声明它。 我将案例块中的第一个语句更改为"OdbcCommand command..."。 现在我收到一个错误,抱怨我无法声明已经在父块中声明的变量! 无论哪种方式,我都赢不了!


当然,我只能使用不同的 OdbcCommand 对象,这就是我现在要做的,但我想了解这一点。



我的原始代码示例中似乎确实缺少某些内容,但我不知道是什么。 这是一个小函数,它应该显示相同的错误,但没有:

    void ScopeTest()
        OdbcCommand command = null;
        if (_hasPlantGenie)
            command = new OdbcCommand();
            switch (ItemType)
                case ItemTypeEnum.COIL:
                    // We're only going to add records to the coils_pg table when the coil gets moved.  After
                    // a record is added, we'll update it.
                    command = new OdbcCommand();



而且,因为人们要求它,这里是完整的原始函数(包括在 if 块顶部额外创建一个 OdbcCommand 对象,只是为了证明它不会抛出错误:

    void RecordLoadPosition()
        OdbcCommand command = null;
        if (_hasPlantGenie)
            command = new OdbcCommand();
            string query;
            switch (ItemType)
                case ItemTypeEnum.COIL:
                    // We're only going to add records to the coils_pg table when the coil gets moved.  After
                    // a record is added, we'll update it.
                    command = new OdbcCommand("select * from coils_pg where coil_id = " + _itemName, _db);
                    OdbcDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    if (reader.Read())
                        query = "update plant_genie.coils_pg set x_coordinate = " +
                                XPosCurrent.ToString() +
                                ", y_coordinate = " +
                                YPosCurrent.ToString() +
                                " where coil_id = '" +
                                _itemName + "'";
                        command.CommandText = query;
                        query = "insert into plant_genie.coils_pg(coil_id, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) values (" +
                                XPosCurrent.ToString() + YPosCurrent.ToString() +
                                "'" + _itemName + "')";
                        command.CommandText = query;
                case ItemTypeEnum.INNER_COVER:
                    // The inner_cover_pg table will be pre-built.  We can assume that it has records for
                    // each inner cover.
                    query = "select set_inner_cover_down(" +
                            XPosCurrent.ToString() +
                            ", " +
                            YPosCurrent.ToString() + 
                            ", '" +
                            _itemName +
                    OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(query, _db);
                    // See if the cover has been set down in a storage location.  If it has

开关语句中的 C# 变量作用域

在您的case ItemTypeEnum.INNER_COVER:状况中,您有:

OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(query, _db);

您正在重新声明它,而您应该像在case ItemTypeEnum.COIL:分支中一样分配它。将该行替换为:

command = new OdbcCommand(query, _db);