重置图像的 X 位置

本文关键字:位置 图像 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:32:07


   if (ufo.alive == false)
                Random random = new Random();
                int randomNumber = random.Next(0, 100);
                    if (randomNumber == 1)
                        ufo.alive = true;
                    if (ufo.XPos > 1000)
                        // kill the ufo if it goes off th 
                        ufo.alive = false;
                        ufo.XPos = 0;
                //make a new one
                // here you want to do it randomly .
                // so
                //int random = random number (you have to do some code to make a random number google it.
                //if (random number == 1)
                // ufo = new ufo();
                // so if you tell it to make a random number between 1 and 1000, then every now and then, 1 will be the number it makes
                // fo when it amkes one, and randomnumber is equal to 1, it will make a new ufo.
                // i will let you figure out how to do the random bit.
                // i guess haha
            //if ufo is alive
            // check for collision
            if (ufo.alive == true)
                // also, we need to make it move
                ufo.XPos = ufo.XPos + 1;

                if (MissileFired != null)
                    // if you miss, and the ufo carries on, it will go forever.
                    Rectangle rectMissile = new Rectangle((int)MissileFired.GetPosition().X, (int)MissileFired.GetPosition().Y, MissileImg.Width, MissileImg.Height);
                    Rectangle rectUFO = new Rectangle(ufo.XPos, 30, UFOImage.Width, UFOImage.Height);
                    if (rectMissile.Intersects(rectUFO))
                        PlayerScore = PlayerScore + 1000;
                        // we needed to kill the missile, other wise it gives you a point for every time it goes through.
                        MissileFired = null;
                        //now only 1000 points for winning
                        ufo.alive = false;


重置图像的 X 位置




if (ufo.alive == false)
    if (ufo.XPos > 1000)


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