查找和修复 C# 编码标准的工具

本文关键字:标准 工具 编码 查找 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:32:11


查找和修复 C# 编码标准的工具

查看默认 NDepend 规则列表,您会发现它们都带有两个注释部分:<Description><HowToFix><HowToFix>部分包含有关如何解决这些问题的建议。

此功能随 2015 年 6 月发布的 NDepend v6 一起提供,也许您使用的是以前的版本?


// <Name>Base class should not use derivatives</Name>
warnif count > 0 
from baseClass in JustMyCode.Types
where baseClass.IsClass && baseClass.NbChildren > 0 // <-- for optimization!
let derivedClassesUsed = baseClass.DerivedTypes.UsedBy(baseClass)
where derivedClassesUsed.Count() > 0
select new { baseClass, derivedClassesUsed }
// In *Object-Oriented Programming*, the **open/closed principle** states:
// *software entities (components, classes, methods, etc.) should be open 
// for extension, but closed for modification*. 
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open/closed_principle
// Hence a base class should be designed properly to make it easy to derive from,
// this is *extension*. But creating a new derived class, or modifying an
// existing one, shouldn't provoke any *modification* in the base class.
// And if a base class is using some derivative classes somehow, there
// are good chances that such *modification* will be needed.
// Extending the base class is not anymore a simple operation,
// this is not good design.
// Understand the need for using derivatives, 
// then imagine a new design, and then refactor.
// Typically an algorithm in the base class needs to access something 
// from derived classes. You can try to encapsulate this access behind 
// an abstract or a virtual method.
// If you see in the base class some conditions on *typeof(DerivedClass)*
// not only *urgent refactoring* is needed. Such condition can easily 
// be replaced through an abstract or a virtual method.
// Sometime you'll see a base class that creates instance of some derived classes.
// In such situation, certainly using the *factory method pattern* 
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern
// or the *abstract factory pattern* 
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_factory_pattern
// will improve the design. 