使用委托参数在 C# 中的类和窗体之间传递数据

本文关键字:窗体 之间 数据 参数 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:55:28

我必须将值从类传递到RichTextBox中。这是我的代码。我必须将值传递到文本框、列表框等任何工具中,但我不知道怎么做。我必须使用委托将 md 值传递给两个方法并传递到同一个富文本框中。

 namespace delegateEx2
    public class MyClass : Form1
        delegate void MyDelegate(string MyString);
        public void ShowThoseMessages()
            MyDelegate md = new MyDelegate(log1);
            md += log2;
            md("Error Log Text");
        public void log1(string message) {
            //what can I write here to pass the md into the RichTextBox on Form1.cs
            //I tried something like Systems.Windows.Form.rtxblog but did not work 

        public void log2(string message2)

使用委托参数在 C# 中的类和窗体之间传递数据



using System.Windows.Forms;

public bool validateForm(TextBox txtTitle, TextBox txtPath, CheckedListBox ckList)
    bool title = false;
    bool path = false;
    if (txtTitle.Text == String.Empty)
       title = false;
       txtTitle.Text = "Title is empty!";
    } else { title = true; paintwhite(txtTitle); }
    if (txtPath.Text == String.Empty)
       path = false;
       txtPath.Text = "Path is empty!";
    } else { path = true; paintwhite(txtPath); }   
    bool ckItem1 = ckList.GetItemChecked(0);
    bool ckItem2 = ckList.GetItemChecked(1);
    bool ckItem3 = ckList.GetItemChecked(2);
    bool ckItem4 = ckList.GetItemChecked(3);
    bool ckItem5 = ckList.GetItemChecked(4);
    if (title && path && ckItem1 && ckItem2 
        && ckItem3 && ckItem4 &&
           ckItem5 )
        return true;
        return false;


    if (TheClass.validateForm(txtBox, txtBox2, listCheckList))
        txtBox3.Text = TheClass.generateItem1(something, something2);
        txtBox4.Text = TheClass.generateItem2(something, something2, txtPath.Text, txtTitle.Text, listCheckList.GetItemChecked(5));
        MessageBox.Show("Please check fields marked in red, if any. Double check your Check List required items.", "Title Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

简单的问题是更改富文本框声明中的修饰符。您可以在 Form1.designer.cs 中找到该声明。将修饰符从私有更改为受保护,然后您可以从 log1 方法访问富文本框。