SQL 查询到 LINQ for MVC,带有 SUM 和 NULL

本文关键字:带有 SUM NULL MVC 查询 LINQ for SQL | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:32:59

有人可以帮我将此查询转换为 LINQ 吗,因为我是使用 Linq 的新手,然后它将用于谷歌图表信息。

Select Question.SubSectionName, SUM(Answers.RatingAnswer) AS Ratings 
FROM Question,Answers,Response,Section 
Where Answers.QuestionID = Question.QuestionID 
AND Answers.ResponseID = Response.ResponseID 
AND Question.SectionID=Section.SectionID 
AND Section.SectionID = 2 
AND Response.ResponseID = @0 
AND Question.SubSectionName IS NOT Null 
GROUP BY Question.SubSectionName;


var submitted = (from ans in db.Answers join ques in db.Questions on 
ans.QuestionID equals ques.QuestionID 
join resp in db.Responses on ans.ResponseID equals resp.ResponseID 
join sec in db.Sections on ques.SectionID equals sec.SectionID 
where sec.SectionID == 2 && resp.ResponseID == model.ResponseID 
&& ques.SubSectionName!= null
select ques.SubSectionName && ans.RatingAnswer)


SQL 查询到 LINQ for MVC,带有 SUM 和 NULL

根据您的评论,这应该输出一组 RatingAnswers 的总和:

var submitted =
    (from ans in db.Answers
        join ques in db.Questions on ans.QuestionId equals ques.QuestionId
        join resp in db.Responses on ans.ResponseId equals resp.ResponseId
        join sec in db.Sections on ques.SectionId equals sec.SectionId
        where sec.SectionId == 2 && resp.ResponseId == model.ResponseID && ques.SubSectionName != null
        select new { SubSectionName = ques.SubSectionName, RatingAnswer = ans.RatingAnswer })
    .GroupBy(a => a.SubSectionName)
    .Select(a => new { SectionName = a.Key, Sum = a.Sum(s => s.RatingAnswer) });



>Linqer 可帮助您将 SQL 转换为 LINQ。

如果你想在 LINQ 中变得更好,我建议使用 LINQPad。但是,LINQPad 不能从 SQL 转换为 LINQ,而是从 LINQ 转换为 SQL。


from q in Question
join a in Answers on q.QuestionID equals a.QuestionID
join r in Response on r.ResponseID equals a.ResponseID
join s in Section on s.SectionID equals q.SectionID
where s.SectionID= 2 and r.ResponseID= @0 and q.SubSectionName!=null
Group by q.SubSectionName