XNA 游戏状态管理引用分配

本文关键字:引用 分配 管理 状态 游戏 XNA | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:10


几天来我一直在分析它的实现,我对 LoadScreen .cs 在这种方法中表示怀疑:

/// <summary>
/// The constructor is private: loading screens should
/// be activated via the static Load method instead.
/// </summary>
private LoadingScreen(ScreenManager screenManager, bool loadingIsSlow,
                      GameScreen[] screensToLoad)
    this.loadingIsSlow = loadingIsSlow;
    this.screensToLoad = screensToLoad;
    TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5);

我不明白为什么会有引用分配:this.screensToLoad = screensToLoad;.为什么不使用类似.Clone()方法?


还行。。。我认为我的问题不是 XNA 或游戏状态管理,我准备了一段代码,解释了我的疑问。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace test
    public class a
        public int number = 3;
    public class b
        public a tmp;
        public void f(a arg)
            tmp = arg; // (*?*) isn't it dangerous assigning?
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            b temp_b = new b();
            {// (*!*) CODE BLOCK COMES HERE:
                a temp_a = new a();
                temp_a.number = 4;
            // We are outside of code block which I marked with (*!*)
            // Now reference 'temp_a' is inaccessible. 
            // That's why line of code which I marked with (*?*) is dangerous.
            // We saved 'temp_a' which is no longer accessible in 'temp_b' object.
            // Now computer's memory pointed by reference, which is saved in 'temp_b.tmp' (and was saved in 'temp_a'),
            // can be overriden by code which comes somewhere below this comment (or even in another thread or process).
            // I think the same situation is in XNA GSM's piece of code.
            // The only solution in my opinion is deep copy (AFAIK .Clone() can be implemented as shallow or deep copy).
            Console.WriteLine(temp_b.tmp.number); // result is 4
                                                  // because we copied reference
                                                  // For me it's strange that this line was printed. As I mentioned above
                                                  // memory intended for 'temp_a' could be reused and overwritten.



XNA 游戏状态管理引用分配

这种事情完全取决于编写库的人的口味,但这可能是因为 Load() 方法具有以下签名:

public static void Load(ScreenManager screenManager, bool loadingIsSlow,
                        PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer,
                        params GameScreen[] screensToLoad)

请注意,screensToLoad是使用 params 关键字定义的。 这意味着你应该这样称呼它:

LoadingScreen.Load(manager, false, null, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);

其中 s1 ...sN 是正在加载的屏幕。

在此用例中,调用代码实际上并没有对数组的引用,因此克隆它将毫无意义地浪费时间和内存。 它的内容从你下面被改变出来的机会相当小。




也许屏幕管理器是一个工厂更好,按类型创建屏幕并返回一个 id 或要用自定义参数初始化的屏幕......


做一个 screensToLoad 的浅拷贝(只复制数组)是有意义的,但正如另一个答案所指出的,不这样做通常不会造成麻烦。
