在 WCF 中传递文件流

本文关键字:文件 WCF | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:44



在 WCF 中传递文件流

扩展 FileStream 或为其创建包装器。重写读取方法,并让计数器对读取的字节进行计数。


   public class CountingStream : System.IO.FileStream {
      // provide appropriate constructors
      // may want to override BeginRead too
      // not thread safe
      private long _Counter = 0;
      public override int ReadByte() {
         return base.ReadByte();            
      public override int Read(byte[] array, int offset, int count) {
         // check if not going over the end of the stream
         _Counter += count;
         return base.Read(array, offset, count);             
      public long BytesReadSoFar {
         get {
            return _Counter;