反序列化 xml 以列出返回 null 的对象

本文关键字:null 对象 返回 xml 反序列化 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:47

我正在尝试使用 xmlreader 将 xml 数据反序列化为列表对象,但我从调用中得到一个空值。这是我的 xml 数据示例...

    <ExceptionLogData MessageCount="1" SourceDateTime="2016-02-08T09:32:41.713" MinSourceDateTime="2016-02-08T09:32:41.713" DataId="610029" MaxExceptionLogID="610029" MessageText="INVALID_SESSION_ID: Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session. Session not found, missing session hash: hX7K7LONeTilw5RfGT432g==&#xA;This is expected, it can happen if the session has expired and swept away, or if the user logs out, or if its just someone trying to hack in. " MachineName="VERTEXDPORTSQL1" AppDomainName="VTMS.Windows.SalesforceServicingAgent.exe" ProcessName="VTMS.Windows.SalesforceServicingAgent" />
    <ExceptionLogData MessageCount="1" SourceDateTime="2016-02-08T09:22:39.340" MinSourceDateTime="2016-02-08T09:22:39.340" DataId="610028" MaxExceptionLogID="610028" MessageText="INVALID_SESSION_ID: Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session. Session not found, missing session hash: rtZTrLk2f99iVttLoz31tg==&#xA;This is expected, it can happen if the session has expired and swept away, or if the user logs out, or if its just someone trying to hack in. " MachineName="VERTEXDPORTSQL1" AppDomainName="VTMS.Windows.SalesforceServicingAgent.exe" ProcessName="VTMS.Windows.SalesforceServicingAgent" />


public class ExceptionLog {
    public ExceptionLog() {
        ExceptionLogData = new List<ExceptionLogExceptionLogData>();
    public List<ExceptionLogExceptionLogData> ExceptionLogData { get; set; }
public class ExceptionLogExceptionLogData {
    private DateTime _sourceDateTimeField;
    private DateTime _minSourceDateTimeField;
    private uint dataIdField;
    private uint _maxExceptionLogIdField;
    private string _messageTextField;
    private string _machineNameField;
    private string _appDomainNameField;
    private string _processNameField;
    public byte MessageCount { get; set; }
    public DateTime SourceDateTime {
        get {
            return _sourceDateTimeField;
        set {
            _sourceDateTimeField = value;
    public DateTime MinSourceDateTime {
        get {
            return _minSourceDateTimeField;
        set {
            _minSourceDateTimeField = value;
    public uint DataId {
        get {
            return dataIdField;
        set {
            dataIdField = value;
    public uint MaxExceptionLogID {
        get {
            return _maxExceptionLogIdField;
        set {
            _maxExceptionLogIdField = value;
    public string MessageText {
        get {
            return _messageTextField;
        set {
            _messageTextField = value;
    public string MachineName {
        get {
            return _machineNameField;
        set {
            _machineNameField = value;
    public string AppDomainName {
        get {
            return _appDomainNameField;
        set {
            _appDomainNameField = value;
    public string ProcessName {
        get {
            return _processNameField;
        set {
            _processNameField = value;


        using (var dataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader())
            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ExceptionLog));
            var returnDataList = serializer.Deserialize(dataReader) as List<ExceptionLogExceptionLogData>;
            return returnDataList;


有另一种方法可以使用,直到我弄清楚这一点,那就是创建对象列表并以编程方式动态填充我的对象的老式方法 - 不是很优雅,但暂时有效。


反序列化 xml 以列出返回 null 的对象

XmlSerializer 定义为 ExceptionLog 类型,但随后将结果强制转换为 List

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ExceptionLog));
var returnDataList = serializer.Deserialize(dataReader) as List<ExceptionLogExceptionLogData>;


var returnDataList = serializer.Deserialize(dataReader) as ExceptionLog;

我没有检查所有元素,但您还应该使用 XmlElement 属性标记 ExceptionLogData。

public List<ExceptionLogExceptionLogData> ExceptionLogData { get; set; }
