本文关键字:方法 子类 类型参数 类方法 基类 更好 创建 依赖于 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:59
接下来,我有两个子类 TriggerHandlerProvider 和 ActionHandlerProvider,它们实现抽象类,并使用在抽象类中初始化的 ClassType 字典。
public interface IAttribute<out TEnum>
TEnum GetValue();
public abstract class HandlerProvider<THandlerInterface, TInterface, TAttribute, TTypeEnum> : IHandlerProvider
where TAttribute : Attribute, IAttribute<TTypeEnum>
// Maps enum values to System.Type instances.
protected readonly Dictionary<TTypeEnum, Type> ClassTypes;
protected HandlerProvider(List<TTypeEnum> typeIds)
ClassTypes = new Dictionary<TTypeEnum, Type>();
private void DetermineTypesToHandle(List<TTypeEnum> typeIds)
if (typeIds == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
IEnumerable<Type> classes = GetTypesWithAttribute(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
if (classes == null) return;
foreach (Type classType in classes)
if (typeof(TInterface).IsAssignableFrom(classType))
TAttribute attribute = GetTypeAttribute(classType);
TTypeEnum attributeValue = attribute != null ? attribute.GetValue() : default(TTypeEnum);
if (!Equals(attributeValue, default(TTypeEnum)) && typeIds.Exists(tt => Equals(tt, attributeValue)))
ClassTypes.Add(attributeValue, classType);
private TAttribute GetTypeAttribute(Type classType)
return Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(classType, typeof(TAttribute)) as TAttribute;
private IEnumerable<Type> GetTypesWithAttribute(Assembly assembly)
return from t in assembly.GetTypes()
where t.IsDefined(typeof(TAttribute), false)
select t;
public class TriggerHandlerProvider : HandlerProvider<ITriggerHandler, ITrigger, TriggerTypeAttribute, ETriggerType>
public TriggerHandlerProvider(List<ETriggerType> typeIds)
: base(typeIds)
// Use the ClassTypes property from the base class to create a new TriggerHandler.
public class ActionHandlerProvider : HandlerProvider<IActionHandler, IAction, ActionTypeAttribute, EActionType>
public ActionHandlerProvider(List<EActionType> typeIds)
: base(typeIds)
// Use the ClassTypes property from the base class to create a new ActionHandler.
每个特定的处理程序都必须实现一个接口,即它与"更高级别"处理程序提供程序(例如,您的 ActionHandlerProvider(的连接。
该接口可以保存可以以标准方式传递给特定处理程序的常用方法和数据,因此处理程序提供程序不必担心每个处理程序的特殊性(无论如何,在 modt 的情况下(
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ConsoleApplication3
public class HandlerAttribute : Attribute
protected string fType;
public HandlerAttribute(string type)
fType = type;
public string HandlerType
get { return fType; }
set { fType = value; }
public interface IHandlerA
//commom interface for handlers of type HandlerA
string Name { get; }
public enum EHandlerATypes
public class SpecificHandlerATypeA : IHandlerA
public string Name
get { return "HandlerA type A"; }
public class SpecificHandlerATypeB : IHandlerA
public string Name
get { return "HandlerA type B"; }
public class HandlerA
public Dictionary<EHandlerATypes, Type> fHandlerACollection;
public HandlerA()
fHandlerACollection = HandlerSearchEngine.GetHandlersList<EHandlerATypes, IHandlerA>(new Assembly[] { this.GetType().Assembly });
public static class HandlerSearchEngine
public static Dictionary<TEnum, Type> GetHandlersList<TEnum, THandler>(Assembly[] assemblyList)
if (!typeof(TEnum).IsEnum)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter TEnum");
Dictionary<TEnum, Type> dic = new Dictionary<TEnum, Type>();
foreach(Assembly assembly in assemblyList)
var types = assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsClass && typeof(THandler).IsAssignableFrom(t));
foreach(Type type in types)
HandlerAttribute ha = type.GetCustomAttribute<HandlerAttribute>();
TEnum handlerType = (TEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), ha.HandlerType, true);
if (dic.ContainsKey(handlerType))
throw new Exception("One handler with the same handler type already exists in the collection");
dic[handlerType] = type;
return dic;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
HandlerA a = new HandlerA();
foreach(KeyValuePair<EHandlerATypes, Type> pair in a.fHandlerACollection)
IHandlerA ha = (IHandlerA)Activator.CreateInstance(pair.Value);
HandlerA type A
HandlerA type B