
本文关键字:接口 程序 事件处理 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:34:14


public interface IDataIO
  event DataReceivedEvent DataReceived;
  //.....more events,methods and properties


现在,我有一个IO类,允许我在不同的输入/输出硬件之间切换。此类的每个实例都有一个 CurrentIODevice 属性,可以是 SerialIOUdpIOTcpIO 之一。分配此属性后,我将 1 个或多个处理程序附加到DataReceivedEvent,以便在收到传入数据时通知我的 GUI,以及需要通知的其他类。

public class IO
  IDataIO CurrentIODevice;
  public IO()
    SerialIO serial = new SerialIO();
    TcpIO tcp = new TcpIO();
    UdpIO udp = new UdpIO();
    CurrentIODevice = serial;


public class IOManager
  List<IO> Ports = new List<IO>();
  public IOManager()
    Ports.Add(new IO());
    Ports.Add(new IO());
  Ports[0].CurrentIODevice = serial;
  Ports[0].CurrentIODevice.DataReceivedHandler += MyGuiUpdate;
  Ports[0].CurrentIODevice.DataReceivedHandler += MyDataProcessing;

我关心的(这不是问题 atm(是我将如何在运行时在不同的 IDataIO 接口之间切换。


//i know this is illegal but just to demonstrate
IOManager.Ports[0].CurrentIODevice = tcp; 


我是否需要在分配 CurrentIODevice 之前取消分配事件,然后在之后再次重新分配处理程序?如果是这种情况,我可以看到这种方法变得非常混乱,所以如果有人有更好的方法来解决这个问题,我都会听:)







interface IDataIO
    void Write(byte[] data);
    byte[] Read();
    event EventHandler DataReceived;

这是 IDataIO 的具体实现,其他类将只直接使用这个类:

sealed class DataIO : IDataIO
    public void SetChannel(IDataIO concreteChannel)
        if (_concreteChannel != null)
            _concreteChannel.DataReceived -= OnDataReceived;
        _concreteChannel = concreteChannel;
        _concreteChannel.DataReceived += OnDataReceived;
    public void Write(byte[] data)
    public byte[] Read()
        return _concreteChannel.Read();
    public event EventHandler DataReceived;
    private IDataIO _concreteChannel;
    private void OnDataReceived(object sender, EventArgs e)
        EventHandler dataReceived = DataReceived;
        if (dataReceived != null)
            dataReceived(this, e);


class Test
    public Test()
        _channel = new TcpIO();
        _channel.DataReceived += OnDataReceived;
    public void SetChannel(IDataIO channel)
        // Nothing will change for this "user" of DataIO
        // but now the channel used for transport will be
        // the one defined here
    private void OnDataReceived(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // You can use this
        byte[] data = ((IDataIO)sender).Read();
        // Or this, the sender is always the concrete
        // implementation that abstracts the strategy in use
        data = _channel.Read();
    private DataIO _channel;


public interface IDataIO
    event DataReceivedEvent DataReceived;
    //this the new added method that each IO type should implement.
    void SetStrategy();
public class SerialIO : IDataIO
    public void SetStrategy()
        //put the code that related to the Serial IO.
        this.DataReceivedHandler += MyGuiUpdate;
        this.DataReceivedHandler += MyDataProcessing;
public class TcpIO : IDataIO
    public void SetStrategy()
        //put the code that related to the Tcp IO.
        //I will not implement it because it is a demo.
public class UdpIO : IDataIO
    public void SetStrategy()
        //put the code that related to the Udp IO.
        //I will not implement it because it is a demo.
public class IO
    IDataIO port = new IDataIO();
    public void SetIOType(IDataIO ioType)
        this.port = ioType;
public class IOManager
    List<IO> ports = new List<IO>();
    SerialIO serial = new SerialIO();
    TcpIO tcp = new TcpIO();
  1. 接口 IDataIO 定义了所有 IO 类型应实现的基础知识。

  2. 从 IDataIO 派生的 SerialIO、TcpIO、UdpIO 类实现了 SetStrategy(( 方法以满足各自的需求。

  3. IO
  4. 类拥有一个字段(命名端口(是指 IDataIO 类型,该字段可以在运行时通过调用 IO 中定义的方法 SetIOType(( 设置为某个 IO 类型.class。调用此方法后,我们知道"port"字段指的是哪种类型,并且然后调用 SetStrategy(( 方法,它将在其中一个 IO 类中运行被覆盖的方法。

  5. 当它需要某种 IO 类型(比如 SerialIO(时,它只需要新建一个 IO 类,并通过传递一个 SerialIO 类实例调用 SetIOType(( 方法,所有与 SerialIO 类型相关的逻辑都会自动设置。
