XML 到使用数据集的树视图

本文关键字:视图 数据集 XML | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:34:17


<table name="tblcats">
        <Industry>Fortune 100</Industry>

我想使用此 xml 填充树视图。我创建了一个数据集并对其进行了排序并编写了以下代码:

   Dim xmlfile As String = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Industries.xml")
        Dim ds As New DataSet()
        Dim sortedRows As DataRow()
        sortedRows = ds.Tables(1).Select("", "ParentId")
        Dim XDoc As New XmlDocument()
        Dim XDec As XmlDeclaration = XDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", Nothing, Nothing)
        ' iterate through the sorted data
        ' and build the XML document
        For Each Row As DataRow In sortedRows
            ' create an element node to insert
            ' note: Element names may not have spaces so use ID
            ' note: Element names may not start with a digit so add underscore
            Dim NewNode As XmlElement = XDoc.CreateElement("_" & Row("Id").ToString())
            NewNode.SetAttribute("Id", Row("Id").ToString())
            NewNode.SetAttribute("ParentId", Row("ParentId").ToString())
            NewNode.SetAttribute("Industry", Row("Industry").ToString())
            ' special case for top level node
            If CInt(Row("ParentId")) = -1 Then
                ' root node
                ' use XPath to find the parent node in the tree
                Dim SearchString As [String]
                SearchString = [String].Format("//*[@Id=""{0}""] ", Row("ParentId").ToString())
                Dim Parent As XmlNode = XDoc.SelectSingleNode(SearchString)
                If Parent IsNot Nothing Then

                    ' Handle Error: Employee with no boss
                End If
            End If

        ' we cannot bind the TreeView directly to an XmlDocument
        ' so we must create an XmlDataSource and assign the XML text
        Dim XDdataSource As New XmlDataSource()
        XDdataSource.ID = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()
        ' unique ID is required
        XDdataSource.Data = XDoc.OuterXml
        ' we want the full name displayed in the tree so 
        ' do custom databindings
        Dim Binding As New TreeNodeBinding()
        Binding.TextField = "FullName"
        Binding.ValueField = "ID"
        ' Finally! Hook that bad boy up!       
        TreeView1.DataSource = XDdataSource


 SearchString = [String].Format("//*[@Id=""{0}""] ", Row("ParentId").ToString())

如何修复此 xPath 以匹配我的 XML?请建议如何解决此问题

XML 到使用数据集的树视图

尝试按如下方式更改 xpath-->

SearchString = [String].Format("//Id[.=""{0}""]/..", Row("ParentId").ToString())

@符号用于检查匹配的属性值。 取出@,然后重试。