
本文关键字:事件 按钮 何引发 单击 鼠标 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:34:40


// This is a default Form1 class of a WPF application
// and I have added a button to the form.
partial class Form1
private void InitializeComponent()
    this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(62, 12);
    this.button1.Name = "button1";
    this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
    this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
    this.button1.Text = "Lloyd";
    this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
    this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
// here the buttons on the form are declared private
// how does the mouse click access the private button's event 
private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;

这是一个控制台应用程序。我在尝试这个程序时感到困惑。这里的 PublishingBall 类类似于 Button 类,此类有一个类似于 Click 事件的事件 Throw。在主要方法中,我正在尝试复制鼠标单击通过选择一些将调用发布球事件的数字但我只能访问 PublishingBall 事件,因为它们在 FielderSubscriber 的类中是公开定义的但是,在前面的代码中,按钮对象是在 Form1 类中私有定义的。那么鼠标点击访问按钮的事件是如何发生的呢!

namespace PublisherAndSubscriber2ndNameSpace
class PublisherSubscriberPattern
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("want to throw the ball");
        int decision = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        PublisherBall puball = new PublisherBall();
        FielderSubscriber fielder = new FielderSubscriber(puball);
        // this is like the basic way to raise events, how i learnt it.
        // but i wanted to know how the mouse click raises button's event
        if (Convert.ToBoolean(decision))
            puball.OnThrowEvent(new BallEventArgs() { Speed = 1001 });

        Console.WriteLine("throw a ball");
        int selectBall;
        while (!Console.ReadKey().Equals(ConsoleKey.Escape))
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a ball to throw 1 2 3 4");
            selectBall = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            // trying to simulate a mouse click by using keyboard key value
            // Here I can only access PublishingBall objets because they are defined public in FielderSubscriber class
            switch (selectBall)
                case 1: fielder.pace.OnThrowEvent(new BallEventArgs() { Speed = 162 });
                case 2: fielder.spin.OnThrowEvent(new BallEventArgs() { Speed = 90 });
                case 3: fielder.googly.OnThrowEvent(new BallEventArgs() { Speed = 50 });
                case 4: fielder.bouncer.OnThrowEvent(new BallEventArgs() { Speed = 150 });
                default: Console.WriteLine("enter between 1 to 4");
// Custom eventArgs defined for the PublisherBall 
class BallEventArgs : EventArgs
    public int Speed { get; set; }
// This class is analogous to a button class
class PublisherBall
    public event EventHandler<BallEventArgs> Throw = delegate { };
    public void OnThrowEvent(BallEventArgs e)
        Throw(this, e);
// This class is analogous to the Form1 class where i would Instantiate the button objects(private)
class FielderSubscriber
    public PublisherBall pace;
    public PublisherBall spin;
    public PublisherBall googly;
    public PublisherBall bouncer;
    // one way is to send the PublisherBall's object to the constructor
    public FielderSubscriber(PublisherBall ball)
        ball.Throw += ball_Throw;
    void InitializeComponent()
        pace = new PublisherBall();
        pace.Throw += pace_Throw;
        spin = new PublisherBall();
        spin.Throw += spin_Throw;
        googly = new PublisherBall();
        googly.Throw += googly_Throw;
        bouncer = new PublisherBall();
        bouncer.Throw += bouncer_Throw;
    void bouncer_Throw(object sender, BallEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("A bouncer @{0}kmph", e.Speed);
    void googly_Throw(object sender, BallEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("A googly @{0}kmph", e.Speed);
    void spin_Throw(object sender, BallEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("A spin @{0}kmph", e.Speed);
    void pace_Throw(object sender, BallEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("A pace @{0}kmph", e.Speed);
    // An Event Handler method
    void ball_Throw(object sender, BallEventArgs e)
        if (e.Speed > 100)
            Console.WriteLine("wew tough catch {0}kmph", e.Speed);
            Console.WriteLine("easy catch {0}kmph");
//P.S I am a total noob , please be gentle


按钮在 Windows 窗体中的工作方式要复杂得多。正如你所看到的,使用反射器或类似的工具,Button类从ButtonBase继承,并且有受保护的WndProc方法接受消息。如果消息包含"单击"代码,则此方法将引发 Click 事件。简而言之,添加到可视化树(显示(的每个控件都会从 Window 循环接收消息,无论该特定窗口上发生什么。如果控件确定该消息很重要,则会引发相应的事件。