设计模式以使用实体框架 TPH 继承的 Autofac 解析依赖关系

本文关键字:Autofac 关系 依赖 继承 TPH 实体 框架 设计模式 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:35:00


public abstract class Inventory
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime On { get; set; }
public class CycleCountInventory : Inventory
    public string Frequency { get; set; }
    // and other properties
public class SkuGroupInventory : Inventory
    public string SkuGroup { get; set; }
    // and other properties


public class InventoryService : IInventoryService
    public bool AddItems(Inventory inventory, IList<Guid> itemsGuidList)
        // the inventory type is only known at this point
        IInventoryRepo repo = (inventory is SkuGroupInventory)
            ? (IInventoryRepo) new SkuGroupInventoryRepo()
            : new CycleCountInventoryRepo();
        return repo.PerformInventory(itemsGuidList);

2. 随着更多类型的库存添加,我的代码将变得难以管理

是否有任何模式(抽象工厂/策略等(可用于将依赖项的解析委托回 Autofac。我相信以前有人会面对这种情况。谢谢!

设计模式以使用实体框架 TPH 继承的 Autofac 解析依赖关系


public interface IInventoryFactory 
 // instead of type, you could also have a discriminator on the
 // inventory class, to give its specific type. (enum etc.)
 IInventoryRepo CreateInventoryRepo(Type inventoryType);
public class MyInventoryFactory : IInventoryFactory 
 // instead of type, you could also have a discriminator on the
 // inventory class, to give its specific type. (enum etc.)
 public IInventoryRepo CreateInventoryRepo(Type inventoryType)
   IInventoryRepo repo = (inventoryType == typeof(SkuGroupInventory))
        ? (IInventoryRepo) new SkuGroupInventoryRepo()
        : new CycleCountInventoryRepo();
   return repo;
public class InventoryService : IInventoryService
    private readonly IInventoryFactory _inventoryFactory;
    public InventoryService(IInventoryFactory inventoryFactory)
     _inventoryFactory = inventoryFactory;
    public bool AddItems(Inventory inventory, IList<Guid> itemsGuidList)
        // create the right repo based on type of inventory.
        // defer it to the factory
        IInventoryRepo repo = _inventoryFactory.CreateInventoryRepo(inventory.GetType());
        return repo.PerformInventory(itemsGuidList);



附言请注意,Autofac甚至不需要工厂接口/混凝土类。 它可以为您注入自动工厂。但这只是人们的偏好,即使用 Autofac 自动工厂而不是基于显式接口的工厂。无论您喜欢哪个。

此外,GetType 是稍微占用性能的调用......在生产场景中,如果你的 AddItems 方法被调用了几千次,那么 GetType 不是一个好的 FIRST 选项......很多人按如下方式解决它:

  1. 将一个名为 inventoryType 的抽象 getter 枚举添加到抽象库存类

  2. 将枚举定义值作为 CycleCount、SkuGroup 等。

  3. 使用特定类型覆盖具体子类中的枚举 getter。

  4. 一旦发生这种情况,CreateInventoryRepo 方法就可以将此枚举作为参数。

public IInventoryRepo CreateInventoryRepo(InventoryType inventoryType)  
 IInventoryRepo repo = (inventoryType == InventoryType.SkuGroup)
                       ? (IInventoryRepo) new SkuGroupInventoryRepo()
                       : new CycleCountInventoryRepo();
 return repo;  