
本文关键字:功能 文件 删除 两个 何组合 组合 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:35:05




//this the function to handle text file without double quotes
public void stack1()
        string old;
        string iniPath = Application.StartupPath + "''list.ini";
        bool isDeleteSectionFound = false;
        List<string> deleteCodeList = new List<string>();
        using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(iniPath))
            while ((old = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (old.Trim().Equals("[DELETE]"))
                    isDeleteSectionFound = true;
                if (isDeleteSectionFound && !old.Trim().Equals("[DELETE]"))
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(textBox1.Text))
            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line = reader.ReadLine();
                var value = line.Split(''t');
                bool deleteLine = value.Any(v => deleteCodeList.Any(w => v.Equals(w)));
                if (!deleteLine)
                    sb.Append(line + Environment.NewLine);
        File.WriteAllText(textBox1.Text, sb.ToString());
     //this the function to handle text file with double quotes
    public void stack()
        string old;
        string iniPath = Application.StartupPath + "''list.ini";
        bool isDeleteSectionFound = false;
        List<string> deleteCodeList = new List<string>();
        using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(iniPath))
            while ((old = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (old.Trim().Equals("[DELETE]"))
                    isDeleteSectionFound = true;
                if (isDeleteSectionFound && !old.Trim().Equals("[DELETE]"))
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(textBox1.Text))
            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line = reader.ReadLine();
                var values = line.Split(''t').Select(v => v.Trim(' ', '"'));
                bool deleteLines = values.Any(v => deleteCodeList.Any(w => v.Equals(w)));
                if (!deleteLines)
                    sb.Append(line + Environment.NewLine);
        File.WriteAllText(textBox1.Text, sb.ToString());



// stack1 function
var value = line.Split(''t');
// stack2 function
var values = line.Split(''t').Select(v => v.Trim(' ', '"'));


public void Split(bool shouldTrimQuotes)
     IEnumerable<string> value = line.Split(''t');         
     if (shouldTrimQuotes)
         value = value.Select(v => v.Trim(' ', '"'));


// split, but don't trim quotes before comparison
Split(shouldTrimQuotes: false);
// split, trim quotes before comparison
Split(shouldTrimQuotes: true);


// rewrites the specified file, removing all lines matched by the predicate
public static void RemoveLinesFromFile(string filename, Func<string, bool> match)
    var linesToKeep = File.ReadAllLines(filename)
        .Where(line => match(line))
    File.WriteAllLines(filename, linesToKeep);
// gets the list of "delete codes" from the specified ini file
public IList<string> GetDeleteCodeList(string iniPath)
    return File.ReadLines(iniPath)
        .SkipWhile(l => l.Trim() != "[DELETE]")
// removes lines from a tab-delimited file, where the specified listOfCodes contains
// at least one of the tokens inside that line
public static void RemoveLinesUsingCodeList(
    string filename,
    IList<string> listOfCodes,
    bool shouldTrimQuotes)
    RemoveLinesFromFile(filename, line =>
        IEnumerable<string> tokens = line.Split(''t');               
        if (shouldTrimQuotes)
            tokens = tokens.Select(v => v.Trim(' ', '"'));
        return (tokens.Any(t => listOfCodes.Any(t.Equals)));