使用命名管道的双向C++到 C# 通信

本文关键字:C++ 通信 管道 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:35:25

我正在尝试在VC++ 6应用程序和C#应用程序之间进行双向通信。我正在使用命名管道。在我的C++代码中,我可以从 C# 客户端读取消息,但随后服务器"死亡",我必须再次重新启动它。

我想做的是让 C# 应用连接到 C++ 应用,请求状态,C++应用关闭并检查状态,然后返回"忙碌"或"空闲"。

我无法将任何内容写回 C# 客户端,因为它说连接已关闭。我已经注释掉的一些事情是我已经尝试过的事情。


UINT CNamedPipe::StartNamedPipeServer()
LPTSTR lpszPipename = "''''.''pipe''SAPipe"; 
    HANDLE hPipe; 
    BOOL flg;
    DWORD dwWrite,dwRead;
    char szServerUpdate[200];
    char szClientUpdate[200];
    hPipe = CreateNamedPipe (    lpszPipename, 
                                PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | 
                                PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | 
                                PIPE_NOWAIT,                    //changed from nowait
                                PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES,    // max. instances 
                                BUFSIZE,                    // output buffer size 
                                BUFSIZE,                    // input buffer size 
                                PIPE_TIMEOUT,                // client time-out 
                                NULL);                        // no security attribute 
    if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
        return 0;
    ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL);
    while(m_bServerActive)  //This seems to work well ....
        //Read from client
        flg = ReadFile(hPipe,szClientUpdate,strlen(szClientUpdate),&dwRead, NULL);
        if(flg) //Read something from the client!!!!
            CString csMsg,csTmp;
            for(int i=0;i<dwRead;i++){
                csMsg += csTmp;

            AfxMessageBox("Client message: " + csMsg);
            strcpy( szServerUpdate,"busy");
            //Write status to Client
            flg = WriteFile(hPipe, szServerUpdate, strlen(szServerUpdate), &dwWrite, NULL);
    return 0;


C# 代码:

public void ThreadStartClient(object obj)
        // Ensure that we only start the client after the server has created the pipe
        ManualResetEvent SyncClientServer = (ManualResetEvent)obj;
        // Only continue after the server was created -- otherwise we just fail badly
        // SyncClientServer.WaitOne();
        using (NamedPipeClientStream pipeStream = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "SAPipe"))
            // The connect function will indefinately wait for the pipe to become available
            // If that is not acceptable specify a maximum waiting time (in ms)
            //Write from client to server
           using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pipeStream))
                sw.WriteLine("What's your status?");
            //Read server reply
            /*using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pipeStream))
                string temp = "";
                temp = sr.ReadLine();   //Pipe is already closed here ... why?

使用命名管道的双向C++到 C# 通信


因此,您的 using 语句将导致流关闭。

    public void ThreadStartClient(object obj)
            // Ensure that we only start the client after the server has created the pipe
            ManualResetEvent SyncClientServer = (ManualResetEvent)obj;
            // Only continue after the server was created -- otherwise we just fail badly
            // SyncClientServer.WaitOne();
            using (NamedPipeClientStream pipeStream = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "SAPipe"))
                // The connect function will indefinately wait for the pipe to become available
                // If that is not acceptable specify a maximum waiting time (in ms)

                //Write from client to server
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pipeStream))
                sw.WriteLine("What's your status?");
                //Read server reply
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pipeStream)
                string temp = "";
                temp = sr.ReadLine();   //Pipe is already closed here ... why?

还应该注意的是,由于您将流包装在 using 语句中,因此不需要注释掉的 pipeStream.Close() 函数。




UINT CNamedPipe::StartNamedPipeServer()
        return 0;
    LPTSTR lpszPipename = "''''.''pipe''MyPipe"; 
        HANDLE hPipe; 
        BOOL flg;
        DWORD dwWrite,dwRead;
        char szServerUpdate[200];
        char szClientUpdate[200];
        hPipe = CreateNamedPipe (    lpszPipename, 
                                    PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | 
                                    PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | 
                                    PIPE_WAIT,                  //HAS TO BE THIS
                                    PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES,    // max. instances 
                                    BUFSIZE,                    // output buffer size 
                                    BUFSIZE,                    // input buffer size 
                                    PIPE_TIMEOUT,                // client time-out 
                                    NULL);                        // no security attribute 
        if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
            return 0;
        ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL);

        strcpy( szServerUpdate,"busy");
        //Write status to Client
        flg = WriteFile(hPipe, szServerUpdate, strlen(szServerUpdate), &dwWrite, NULL);
        return 0;

下面是 C# 客户端:

public void ThreadStartClient(object obj)
            // Ensure that we only start the client after the server has created the pipe
            ManualResetEvent SyncClientServer = (ManualResetEvent)obj;
            using (NamedPipeClientStream pipeStream = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "MyPipe", PipeDirection.InOut))
                // The connect function will indefinately wait for the pipe to become available
                // If that is not acceptable specify a maximum waiting time (in ms)
                if (!pipeStream.IsConnected)    //It thinks it's connected but can't read anything ....
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect ....");
                //Read server reply
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pipeStream);
                char[] c = new char[200];
                while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                    sr.Read(c, 0, c.Length);
                string s = new string(c);

我实际上并没有从客户端向服务器发送任何内容,因为我不需要......其中的关键是 CreateNamedPipe() 函数中的 PIPE_WAIT 参数。 这使服务器等待客户端连接。