C# Wolfram aplha API 工作示例

本文关键字:工作 API Wolfram aplha | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:35:33

我一直试图获得 Wolframalpha API 用于C#工作无济于事。我一直在尝试使用这两个资源:

  1. 堆栈问题
  2. Wolfram API 演示

帖子中的答案是半有帮助的,但我无法编译任何东西。我是 C# 的新手,所以有点不知所措。我真的很难让它接受输入然后输出结果。


这是我剪切并粘贴到 C#(Visual Studio) 控制台项目中的代码:

    namespace WolframAlpha {
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data.Services.Client;
    using System.Net;
    using System.IO;

    public partial class DefaultPodEntity {
        private String _PlainText;
        private String _Img;
        private String _Title;
        private String _ParentTitle;
        private Int16 _ParentPosition;
        private String _ParentId;
        public String PlainText {
            get {
                return this._PlainText;
            set {
                this._PlainText = value;
        public String Img {
            get {
                return this._Img;
            set {
                this._Img = value;
        public String Title {
            get {
                return this._Title;
            set {
                this._Title = value;
        public String ParentTitle {
            get {
                return this._ParentTitle;
            set {
                this._ParentTitle = value;
        public Int16 ParentPosition {
            get {
                return this._ParentPosition;
            set {
                this._ParentPosition = value;
        public String ParentId {
            get {
                return this._ParentId;
            set {
                this._ParentId = value;
    public partial class HtmlPodEntity {
        private String _Markup;
        private String _Title;
        private Int16 _Position;
        private String _Id;
        private String _Css;
        private String _Scripts;
        public String Markup {
            get {
                return this._Markup;
            set {
                this._Markup = value;
        public String Title {
            get {
                return this._Title;
            set {
                this._Title = value;
        public Int16 Position {
            get {
                return this._Position;
            set {
                this._Position = value;
        public String Id {
            get {
                return this._Id;
            set {
                this._Id = value;
        public String Css {
            get {
                return this._Css;
            set {
                this._Css = value;
        public String Scripts {
            get {
                return this._Scripts;
            set {
                this._Scripts = value;
    public partial class PlainTextPodEntity {
        private String _PlainText;
        private String _Title;
        private String _ParentTitle;
        private Int16 _ParentPosition;
        private String _ParentId;
        public String PlainText {
            get {
                return this._PlainText;
            set {
                this._PlainText = value;
        public String Title {
            get {
                return this._Title;
            set {
                this._Title = value;
        public String ParentTitle {
            get {
                return this._ParentTitle;
            set {
                this._ParentTitle = value;
        public Int16 ParentPosition {
            get {
                return this._ParentPosition;
            set {
                this._ParentPosition = value;
        public String ParentId {
            get {
                return this._ParentId;
            set {
                this._ParentId = value;
    public partial class WolframAlphaFactsContainer : System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceContext {
        public WolframAlphaFactsContainer(Uri serviceRoot) : 
                base(serviceRoot) {
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">Query string Sample Values : weather|msft|derivative of x^4 sin x|SAT scores</param>
        /// <param name="Location">Location used for computation Sample Values : Madrid|Springfield, IL</param>
        /// <param name="LatitudeLongitude">Latitude/Longitude used for computation Sample Values : 40.42,-3.71|-22.54,-43.12</param>
        /// <param name="Width">Width in pixels for images returned Sample Values : 300|500</param>
        public DataServiceQuery<DefaultPodEntity> GetImageResults(String Input, String Location, String LatitudeLongitude, Int16? Width) {
            if ((Input == null)) {
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Input", "Input value cannot be null");
            DataServiceQuery<DefaultPodEntity> query;
            query = base.CreateQuery<DefaultPodEntity>("GetImageResults");
            if ((Input != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Input", string.Concat("''", Input, "''"));
            if ((Location != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Location", string.Concat("''", Location, "''"));
            if ((LatitudeLongitude != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("LatitudeLongitude", string.Concat("''", LatitudeLongitude, "''"));
            if (((Width != null) 
                        && (Width.HasValue == true))) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Width", Width.Value);
            return query;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">Query string Sample Values : weather|msft|derivative of x^4 sin x|SAT scores</param>
        /// <param name="Location">Location used for computation Sample Values : Madrid|Springfield, IL</param>
        /// <param name="LatitudeLongitude">Latitude/Longitude used for computation Sample Values : 40.42,-3.71|-22.54,-43.12</param>
        /// <param name="Width">Width in pixels for images returned Sample Values : 300|500</param>
        public DataServiceQuery<HtmlPodEntity> GetHtmlResults(String Input, String Location, String LatitudeLongitude, Int16? Width) {
            if ((Input == null)) {
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Input", "Input value cannot be null");
            DataServiceQuery<HtmlPodEntity> query;
            query = base.CreateQuery<HtmlPodEntity>("GetHtmlResults");
            if ((Input != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Input", string.Concat("''", Input, "''"));
            if ((Location != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Location", string.Concat("''", Location, "''"));
            if ((LatitudeLongitude != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("LatitudeLongitude", string.Concat("''", LatitudeLongitude, "''"));
            if (((Width != null) 
                        && (Width.HasValue == true))) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Width", Width.Value);
            return query;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">Query string Sample Values : weather|msft|derivative of x^4 sin x|SAT scores</param>
        /// <param name="Location">Location used for computation Sample Values : Madrid|Springfield, IL</param>
        /// <param name="LatitudeLongitude">Latitude/Longitude used for computation Sample Values : 40.42,-3.71|-22.54,-43.12</param>
        /// <param name="Width">Width in pixels for images returned Sample Values : 300|500</param>
        public DataServiceQuery<PlainTextPodEntity> GetPlainTextResults(String Input, String Location, String LatitudeLongitude, Int16? Width) {
            if ((Input == null)) {
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Input", "Input value cannot be null");
            DataServiceQuery<PlainTextPodEntity> query;
            query = base.CreateQuery<PlainTextPodEntity>("GetPlainTextResults");
            if ((Input != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Input", string.Concat("''", Input, "''"));
            if ((Location != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Location", string.Concat("''", Location, "''"));
            if ((LatitudeLongitude != null)) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("LatitudeLongitude", string.Concat("''", LatitudeLongitude, "''"));
            if (((Width != null) 
                        && (Width.HasValue == true))) {
                query = query.AddQueryOption("Width", Width.Value);
            return query;

C# Wolfram aplha API 工作示例

这个 codeplex 项目声称涵盖了最新的 Wolfram Alpha API,并包含一个示例:http://wolframalphaapi20.codeplex.com/

控制台应用程序使用静态 Main 方法作为其入口点。此例程通常可以在文件程序中找到.cs该文件程序是在为控制台应用程序创建新项目时自动创建的。

如果编译器说它找不到 Main,那么它可能已被删除或从未创建。很难说没有任何代码可以查看。解决 Main 方法的问题时,可能会显示更多错误。

我目前正在玩一个 lib 调用 WolframAlpha.NET。代码源位于 github 上。有一个 nuget 包(最后发布于 2019-06-24)。


这是从 Wolfram| 获取数据的最简单形式阿尔法:

static void Main(string[] args)
    //First create the main class:
    WolframAlpha wolfram = new WolframAlpha("APPID HERE");
    //Then you simply query Wolfram|Alpha like this
    //Note that the spelling error will be correct by Wolfram|Alpha
    QueryResult results = wolfram.Query("Who is Danald Duck?");
    //The QueryResult object contains the parsed XML from Wolfram|Alpha. Lets look at it.
    //The results from wolfram is split into "pods". We just print them.
    if (results != null)
        foreach (Pod pod in results.Pods)
            if (pod.SubPods != null)
                foreach (SubPod subPod in pod.SubPods)

有关更多示例,请查看 WolframAlphaNet.Example 和 WolframAlphaNet.Tests 项目。

你有复制粘贴的类定义(如 DefaultPodEntityWolframAlphaFactsContainer ),允许您与 Wolfram API 交互,但你没有定义 Main() 函数的定义来定义你的程序应该对这些类做什么。 您将需要添加方法定义

static void Main(string[] args)
  // TODO: call methods of WolframAlphaFactsContainer

到其中一个类(例如 WolframAlphaFactsContainer或一个新的,如 Program ,未在您的问题中列出。 编译完成后,您需要将TODO注释替换为指定如何与WolframAlphaFactsContainer类交互的 C# 语句(例如,创建该类的实例并使用正确的参数调用其 GetImageResults() 方法)。

注意:您需要学习基本的 C# 编程习惯用法,然后才能成功解决用 C# 编写一个工作、正确的程序来执行您想要执行的操作(而不是依赖其他人的代码)的问题。


注意:类WolframAlphaFactsContainer标记为partial,这意味着该类可能还有其他部分(请参阅文档)。 如果有,您还需要在代码中包含它们。



这是我刚刚完成的包装器。 它包含的不仅仅是其他代码复合项目。随意使用它