
本文关键字:碰撞 砖机 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:35:34


// Collision between the ball and player
    public void Collision(Player player, Ball ball)
        MinX = (int)player.PlayerPosition.X - ball.Width;
        MaxX = (int)player.PlayerPosition.X + player.Width + ball.Width;
        MinY = 0;
        MaxY = (int)player.PlayerPosition.Y - ball.Height;
        Rectangle BallRectangle = new Rectangle((int)ball.BallPosition.X, (int)ball.BallPosition.Y, ball.Width, ball.Height);
        Rectangle PlayerRectangle = new Rectangle((int)player.PlayerPosition.X, (int)player.PlayerPosition.Y, player.Width, player.Height);
        if (BallRectangle.Intersects(PlayerRectangle))
            ball.BallPosition.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(ball.BallPosition.Y, MinY, MaxY);
            ball.BallPosition.X = MathHelper.Clamp(ball.BallPosition.X, MinX, MaxX);
            ball.BallSpeed.Y *= -1;
            float BallMiddlePoint = ball.BallPosition.X + (ball.Width / 2);
            float PlayerMiddlePoint = player.PlayerPosition.X + (player.Width / 2);
            ball.BallSpeed.X = (BallMiddlePoint - PlayerMiddlePoint) / 10 + ball.ExtraSpeedOverTime;




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace BrickBreakerV2
    class Ball
        // The texture of the ball
        Texture2D BallTexture;
        // The position of the ball
        public Vector2 BallPosition;
        // The speed of the ball
        public Vector2 BallSpeed;
        // The speed that gets added over time
        public float ExtraSpeedOverTime;
        // Time values used in incrementing the speed over time
        TimeSpan IncreaseSpeed;
        TimeSpan PreviousSpeedIncrease;
        // The "active" state of the ball
        public bool Active;
        // The state of movement of the ball
        public bool Moveball;
        // The Width of the ball
        public int Width
            get { return BallTexture.Width; }
        // The Height of the ball
        public int Height
            get { return BallTexture.Height; }
        // Construct a class for Boundaries
        CollisionHandler Collision = new CollisionHandler();

        public void Initialize(ContentManager Content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Player player)
            BallTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Graphics''ball.png");
            BallPosition = new Vector2(player.PlayerPosition.X + (player.Width / 2) - (Width / 2), 
            player.PlayerPosition.Y - Height - 5);
            BallSpeed = new Vector2(5.0f, -5.0f);
            ExtraSpeedOverTime = 1.0f;
            IncreaseSpeed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(12f);
            PreviousSpeedIncrease = TimeSpan.Zero;
            Active = true;
            Moveball = false;
        public void Update(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, GameTime gameTime, Player player)
            if (Moveball)
                BallPosition += BallSpeed;
                BallPosition = new Vector2(player.PlayerPosition.X + (player.Width / 2) - (Width / 2),
                player.PlayerPosition.Y - Height - 5);
            if (gameTime.TotalGameTime - PreviousSpeedIncrease > IncreaseSpeed)
                ExtraSpeedOverTime += 0.01f;
                BallSpeed.X *= ExtraSpeedOverTime;
                BallSpeed.Y *= ExtraSpeedOverTime;
                PreviousSpeedIncrease = gameTime.TotalGameTime;
            // Makes sure that the ball doesn't go to fast
            if (BallSpeed.X > 10.50f)
                BallSpeed.X = 10.50f;
            if (BallSpeed.Y > 10.50f)
                BallSpeed.Y = 10.50f;
            if (BallSpeed.X < -10.50f)
                BallSpeed.X = -10.50f;
            if (BallSpeed.Y < -10.50f)
                BallSpeed.Y = -10.50f;
            // Keep the ball in the boundaries
            Collision.GetBoundaries(graphicsDevice, this);
            // Detect collision between ball and player
            Collision.Collision(player, this);
        public void Update(Brick brick)
            // Detect collision between ball and brick
            Collision.Collision(this, brick);
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            spriteBatch.Draw(BallTexture, BallPosition, null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace BrickBreakerV2
    class Brick
        // The texture of the brick
        public Texture2D BrickTexture;
        // The position of the bricks
        public Vector2 BrickPosition;
        // The color tint of the brick
        public Color ColorTint;
        // The "active" state of the brick
        public bool Active;
        // The width of the brick
        public int Width
            get { return BrickTexture.Width; }
        // The height of the brick
        public int Height
            get { return BrickTexture.Height; }
        // Construct a class for collisionhandler
        CollisionHandler Collision;
        public void Initialize(ContentManager Content)
            BrickTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Graphics''brick.png");
            BrickPosition = new Vector2(600, 500);
            Active = true;
            ColorTint = Color.White;
            Collision = new CollisionHandler();

        public void Update(Ball ball)
            Collision.Collision(ball, this);

        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            spriteBatch.Draw(BrickTexture, BrickPosition, null, ColorTint, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);

还有我在 CollisionHandler 中处理球和砖块之间碰撞的代码块.cs:

    // Collision between ball and brick
    public void Collision(Ball ball, Brick brick)
        Rectangle BallRectangle = new Rectangle((int)ball.BallPosition.X, (int)ball.BallPosition.Y, ball.Width, ball.Height);
        Rectangle BrickRectangle = new Rectangle((int)brick.BrickPosition.X, (int)brick.BrickPosition.Y, brick.Width, brick.Height);
        if (BallRectangle.Intersects(BrickRectangle))
            int XOverlap;
            int YOverlap;
            if (BallRectangle.Center.X < BrickRectangle.Center.X)
                XOverlap = (BallRectangle.X + ball.Width) - BrickRectangle.X;
                XOverlap = (BrickRectangle.X + brick.Width) - BallRectangle.X;
            if (BallRectangle.Center.Y < BrickRectangle.Center.Y)
                YOverlap = (BallRectangle.Y + ball.Height) - BrickRectangle.Y;
                YOverlap = (BrickRectangle.Y + brick.Height) - BallRectangle.Y;

            if (XOverlap == YOverlap)
                ball.BallSpeed.X *= -1;
                ball.BallSpeed.Y *= -1;
            else if (XOverlap < YOverlap)
                ball.BallSpeed.X *= -1;
                ball.BallSpeed.Y *= -1;
            brick.Active = false;




