谓词生成器 C# 混淆

本文关键字:混淆 谓词 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:37:26

我试图理解predicate builder,以便我可以将其应用于我正在创建的Web应用程序。

基本上,我有 4 个通过 POST 请求传入的参数,"名称"、"位置"、"年龄"、"性别",我必须根据这些参数从数据库表中过滤掉人员。


所以我想到的一种方法是让所有人都进入一个列表,并有 4 个 if 语句:

if (name != 'All') {
 //filter list of people by name string
if (location != 'All') {
 //filter list of people by location

但我不想这样做,我想使用谓词生成器来构建 linq 表达式,并且只获取与参数匹配的人员列表,但我不明白谓词生成器在做什么。


谓词生成器 C# 混淆


query = name == "All" ? query : query.Where(x => x.Name == name);
query = location == "All" ? query : query.Where(x => x.Location == location);


var query = db.People;
query = name == "All" ? query : query.Where(x => x.Name == name);
query = location == "All" ? query : query.Where(x => x.Location == location);
query = age == "All" ? query : query.Where(x => x.Age == age);
query = weight == "All" ? query : query.Where(x => x.Weight == weight);
var results = query.ToList();

如果只有四个参数,那么我只会使用默认参数值和一个条件 Linq Where 子句。 我包括了StartsWith()EndsWith()Contains(),以展示其他可能性。


public class Example {
    private IRepository repos;
    //pass in your database context abstract here
    public Example(IRepository repos){
        this.repos = repos;
    public IEnumerable<Person> PostMethod(string name = "All", string age = "All",
    string height = "All", string weight = "All") {
    //reference your database abstract here
    return repos.People.Where(x => name == "All" || x.Name == name)
        .Where(x => age == "All" || x.Age.Contains(age))
        .Where(x => height == "All" || x.Height.StartsWith(height))
        .Where(x => weight == "All" || x.Weight.EndsWith(weight));