
本文关键字:集合 linq 使用 | 更新日期: 2024-10-20 11:28:33


RowID Data    RowMod
Row1  "fish"  "" 
Row1  "fish"  "D" 
Row2  "cat"   "A"
Row3  "fox"   ""
Row3  "dog"   "U"
Row4  "mouse" ""


RowID OldData NewData RowMod
Row1  "fish"  null    "D"
Row2  null    "cat"   "A"
Row3  "fox"   "dog"   "U"
Row4  "mouse" "mouse" ""


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IEnumerable<DataRow> rows = new[]
            new DataRow(1,"fish",""),
            new DataRow(1,"fish","D"),
            new DataRow(2,"cat","A"),
            new DataRow(3,"fox",""),
            new DataRow(3,"dog","U"),
            new DataRow(4,"mouse","")
        var result = rows
            .GroupBy(x => x.Id)
            .Select(g => new 
                Count = g.Count(),
                Id = g.First().Id,
                FirstRow = g.First(),
                LastRow = g.Last() 
            }).Select(item => new 
                RowId = item.Id,
                OldData = item.Count == 1 && item.FirstRow.RowMod != "" ? null : item.FirstRow.Data,
                NewData = item.LastRow.RowMod == "D" ? null : item.LastRow.Data,
                RowMod = item.LastRow.RowMod 
            //Or using query syntax
            var result2 = from x in rows
                          orderby x.Id, x.RowMod
                          group x by x.Id into g
                          select new
                              RowId = g.First().Id,
                              OldData = g.Count() == 1 && g.First().RowMod != "" ? null : g.First().Data,
                              NewData = g.Last().RowMod == "D" ? null : g.Last().Data,
                              RowMod = g.Last().RowMod
        // Test
        foreach (var item in result)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}'t'{1}''t'{2}''t'{3}'",item.RowId,item.OldData ?? "null",item.NewData ?? "null",item.RowMod);
public class DataRow
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }
    public string RowMod { get; set; }
    public DataRow(int id, string data, string rowMod)
        Id = id;
        Data = data;
        RowMod = rowMod;


RowID   OldData NewData RowMod
1       'fish'  'null'  'D'
2       'null'  'cat'   'A'
3       'fox'   'dog'   'U'
4       'mouse'  'mouse' ''


var result = rows.GroupBy(x => x.RowId)
                 .Select(x => 
             var firstData = x.FirstOrDefault();
             var secondData = x.Count() == 1 ? x.First().RowMod == "A" ? firstData : null
                                             : x.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();
          return new
              RowId = x.Key,
              OldData = firstData.RowMod == "A" ? null : firstData.Data,
              NewData = secondData != null ? secondData.Data : null,
              RowMod = String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstData.RowMod) && secondData != null ?
                                      secondData.RowMod : firstData.RowMod



foreach(var rowId in myList.Select(x => x.RowId).Distinct())
    //get the left item
    var leftItem = myList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RowId == rowId && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.rowmod);
    //get the right item
    var rightItem = myList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RowId == rowId && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.rowmod);




IEnumerable<TargetClass> MapOldValues(IEnumerable<SourceClass> source)
    var buffer = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    foreach(var item in source)
        string oldValue;
        buffer.TryGetValue(item.RowId, out oldValue); 
        yield return new TargetClass
                              RowId = item.RowId, 
                              OldData = oldValue, 
                              NewData = (item.RowMod == "D" ? null : item.Data), 
                              RowMod = item.RowMod  };
        // if the rows come sorted by ID, you can clear old values from
        // the buffer to save memory at this point:
        // if(oldValue == null) { buffer.Clear(); }
        buffer[item.RowId] = item.Data;


var latestChanges = MapOldValues(source).GroupBy(x => x.RowId).Select(x => x.Last());


public class MyClass
                public int RowID { get; set; }
                public string Data { get; set; }
                public string RowMod { get; set; }
  var result = (from id in myList.Select(x => x.RowID).Distinct()
            let oldData = myList.Where(x => x.RowID == id).SingleOrDefault(x => x.RowMod.Equals("")) != null
                ? myList.Where(x => x.RowID == id).Single(x => x.RowMod.Equals("")).Data
                : null
            let newData = myList.Where(x => x.RowID == id).SingleOrDefault(x => !x.RowMod.Equals("")) != null
                ? myList.Where(x => x.RowID == id).Single(x => !x.RowMod.Equals("")).Data
                : null
            let rowMod = myList.Where(x => x.RowID == id).SingleOrDefault(x => !x.RowMod.Equals("")) != null
                ? myList.Where(x => x.RowID == id).Single(x => !x.RowMod.Equals("")).RowMod
                : null
            select new
                       RowID = id,
                       OldData = oldData,
                       NewData = rowMod == null ? oldData : rowMod.Equals("D") ? null : newData,
                       RowMod = rowMod
foreach (var item in result)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", item.RowID, item.OldData ?? "null", item.NewData ?? "null", item.RowMod ?? "-");