以编程方式获取 AutoCAD 中块及其 ObjectId 的位置

本文关键字:ObjectId 位置 编程 方式 获取 AutoCAD | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:56:48


        private static ObjectId _adjustCapPlate(ObjectId capPlateID, bool isHorizontal, Distance left = null, Distance right = null)
            BlockReference capPlate = EntityMethods.GetBlockById(capPlateID); //Getting the block to be replaced
            Scale3d oldScales = capPlate.ScaleFactors; //Getting the scales of the old block
            Point3d originalLocation = capPlate.Location; // ToDo: Replace capPlate.Location with code that will return the coordinates of the insertion point of the block
            EntityMethods.DeleteBlockFromDrawingWithId(capPlate.Id); //Deleting the old block
            //Using specified splice plate length if method does not specify something else
            if (left == null)
                left = new Distance(SettingsController.SplicePlateLength / 2);
            if (right == null)
                right = new Distance(SettingsController.SplicePlateLength);
            Distance newXScale, newYScale, newZScale;
            Point3d newLocation;
            if (isHorizontal) //If wall is oriented horizontally
                newXScale = new Distance(DistanceType.Inch, oldScales.X - right.Inches);
                newYScale = new Distance(DistanceType.Inch, oldScales.Y);
                newLocation = new Point3d(originalLocation.X + left.Inches, originalLocation.Y, originalLocation.Z);
                newXScale = new Distance(DistanceType.Inch, oldScales.X);
                newYScale = new Distance(DistanceType.Inch, oldScales.Y - right.Inches);
                newLocation = new Point3d(originalLocation.X, originalLocation.Y + left.Inches, originalLocation.Z);
            newZScale = new Distance(DistanceType.Inch, oldScales.Z);
            BlockReference newCapPlate = EntityMethods.InsertBlock("member", newLocation, "0", null, newXScale, newYScale, newZScale);



以编程方式获取 AutoCAD 中块及其 ObjectId 的位置

不要使用 capPlate.Location ,请使用 capPlate.Position,您应该获得所需的行为。