.NET 单位类,英寸到毫米

本文关键字:单位 NET | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:56:55

.NET 有单位转换类吗?我需要将英寸转换为毫米,反之亦然。

.NET 单位类,英寸到毫米

不,没有内置的。但是您可以简单地乘以或除以 25.4。



public class ImperialDistance
    public static readonly ImperialDistance Inch = new ImperialDistance(1.0);
    public static readonly ImperialDistance Foot = new ImperialDistance(12.0);
    public static readonly ImperialDistance Yard = new ImperialDistance(36.0);
    public static readonly ImperialDistance Mile = new ImperialDistance(63360.0);
    private double _inches;
    public ImperialDistance(double inches)
        _inches = inches;
    public double ToInches()
        return _inches;
    public double ToFeet()
        return _inches / Foot._inches;
    public double ToYards()
        return _inches / Yard._inches;
    public double ToMiles()
        return _inches / Mile._inches;
    public MetricDistance ToMetricDistance()
        return new MetricDistance(_inches * 0.0254);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return _inches.GetHashCode();
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var o = obj as ImperialDistance;
        if (o == null) return false;
        return _inches.Equals(o._inches);
    public static bool operator ==(ImperialDistance a, ImperialDistance b)
        // If both are null, or both are same instance, return true
        if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return true;
        // if either one or the other are null, return false
        if (ReferenceEquals(a, null) || ReferenceEquals(b, null)) return false;
        // compare
        return a._inches == b._inches;
    public static bool operator !=(ImperialDistance a, ImperialDistance b)
        return !(a == b);
    public static ImperialDistance operator +(ImperialDistance a, ImperialDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        return new ImperialDistance(a._inches + b._inches);
    public static ImperialDistance operator -(ImperialDistance a, ImperialDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        return new ImperialDistance(a._inches - b._inches);
    public static ImperialDistance operator *(ImperialDistance a, ImperialDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        return new ImperialDistance(a._inches * b._inches);
    public static ImperialDistance operator /(ImperialDistance a, ImperialDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
        return new ImperialDistance(a._inches / b._inches);


public class MetricDistance
    public static readonly MetricDistance Milimeter  = new MetricDistance(0.001);
    public static readonly MetricDistance Centimeter = new MetricDistance(0.01);
    public static readonly MetricDistance Decimeter  = new MetricDistance(0.1);
    public static readonly MetricDistance Meter      = new MetricDistance(1.0);
    public static readonly MetricDistance Decameter  = new MetricDistance(10.0);
    public static readonly MetricDistance Hectometer = new MetricDistance(100.0);
    public static readonly MetricDistance Kilometer  = new MetricDistance(1000.0);
    private double _meters;
    public MetricDistance(double meters)
        _meters = meters;
    public double ToMilimeters()
        return _meters / Milimeter._meters;
    public double ToCentimeters()
        return _meters / Centimeter._meters;
    public double ToDecimeters()
        return _meters / Decimeter._meters;
    public double ToMeters()
        return _meters;
    public double ToDecameters()
        return _meters / Decameter._meters;
    public double ToHectometers()
        return _meters / Hectometer._meters;
    public double ToKilometers()
        return _meters / Kilometer._meters;
    public ImperialDistance ToImperialDistance()
        return new ImperialDistance(_meters * 39.3701);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return _meters.GetHashCode();
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var o = obj as MetricDistance;
        if (o == null) return false;
        return _meters.Equals(o._meters);
    public static bool operator ==(MetricDistance a, MetricDistance b)
        // If both are null, or both are same instance, return true
        if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return true;
        // if either one or the other are null, return false
        if (ReferenceEquals(a, null) || ReferenceEquals(b, null)) return false;
        return a._meters == b._meters;
    public static bool operator !=(MetricDistance a, MetricDistance b)
        return !(a == b);
    public static MetricDistance operator +(MetricDistance a, MetricDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("a");
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("b");
        return new MetricDistance(a._meters + b._meters);
    public static MetricDistance operator -(MetricDistance a, MetricDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("a");
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("b");
        return new MetricDistance(a._meters - b._meters);
    public static MetricDistance operator *(MetricDistance a, MetricDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("a");
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("b");
        return new MetricDistance(a._meters * b._meters);
    public static MetricDistance operator /(MetricDistance a, MetricDistance b)
        if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("a");
        if (b == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("b");
        return new MetricDistance(a._meters / b._meters);


public void _5in_Equals_12_7cm()
    var inches = new ImperialDistance(5);
    var cms = new MetricDistance(MetricDistance.Centimeter.ToMeters() * 12.7);
    var calcCentimeters = Math.Round(inches.ToMetricDistance().ToCentimeters(), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
    var calcInches = Math.Round(cms.ToImperialDistance().ToInches(), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
    Assert.AreEqual(cms.ToCentimeters(), 12.7);
    Assert.AreEqual(calcCentimeters, 12.7);
    Assert.AreEqual(inches.ToInches(), 5);
    Assert.AreEqual(calcInches, 5);


public static MetricDistance Centimeters(this Int32 that)
    return new MetricDistance(MetricDistance.Centimeter.ToMeters() * that);
public void _100cm_plus_300cm_equals_400cm()
    Assert.AreEqual(100.Centimeters() + 300.Centimeters(), 400.Centimeters());


.NET Framework 没有这样的东西,但 F# 有度量单位。


Csunits 是一个很好的 C# 度量单位库,请参见 https://github.com/cureos/csunits。它目前面向放射治疗,但您可以轻松添加自己的单位和数量。


public class Length
    private const double MillimetersPerInch = 25.4;
    private double _Millimeters;
    public static Length FromMillimeters(double mm)
         return new Length { _Millimeters = mm };
    public static Length FromInch(double inch)
         return new Length { _Millimeters = inch * MillimetersPerInch };
    public double Inch { get { return _Millimeters / MillimetersPerInch; } } 
    public double Millimeters { get { return _Millimeters; } }

几年后,有很多Nuget包可以解决这个问题。其中之一是 https://github.com/angularsen/UnitsNet 它能够处理您想要的东西。

Length distance = Length.FromInch(15);
distance.Millimeters/ 60;
