将 SQL 表读入 C# 数据表

本文关键字:数据表 SQL | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:56:58

我已经读过很多关于将数据表插入SQL表的文章,但是有没有一种简单的方法可以将SQL表拉入.NET DataTable?

将 SQL 表读入 C# 数据表


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class PullDataTest
    // your data table
    private DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
    public PullDataTest()
    // your method to pull data from database to datatable   
    public void PullData()
        string connString = @"your connection string here";
        string query = "select * from table";
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString);        
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
        // create data adapter
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        // this will query your database and return the result to your datatable
var table = new DataTable();    
using (var da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM mytable", "connection string"))


使用数据适配器上的 ADO.Net 并使用填充来获取数据表:

using (SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter
    = new SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT blah FROM blahblah ", sqlConn))
    // create the DataSet 
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); 
    // fill the DataSet using our DataAdapter 
    dataAdapter.Fill (dataSet);



// create data adapter
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
// this will query your database and return the result to your datatable



编辑:也许我不清楚:数据表=好,数据集=恶。如果您使用的是 ADO.Net 那么您可以使用这两种技术(EF,linq2sql,dapper,nhibernate,orm of the month),因为它们通常位于 ado.net 之上。您获得的优势是,只要您通过利用代码生成具有适当的抽象级别,您就可以更轻松地更新模型,因为您的架构会发生变化。

ado.net 适配器使用公开数据库类型信息的提供程序,例如默认情况下它使用 sql 服务器提供程序,您还可以插入 - 例如 - devart postgress 提供程序,并且仍然可以访问类型信息,然后允许您如上所述使用您选择的 orm(几乎无痛 - 有一些怪癖) - 我相信Microsoft也提供了一个 oracle 提供程序。这样做的全部目的是尽可能从数据库实现中抽象出来。

独立于供应商的版本,完全依赖于 ADO.NET 接口; 2 种方式:

public DataTable Read1<T>(string query) where T : IDbConnection, new()
    using (var conn = new T())
        using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
            cmd.CommandText = query;
            cmd.Connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
            var table = new DataTable();
            return table;
public DataTable Read2<S, T>(string query) where S : IDbConnection, new() 
                                           where T : IDbDataAdapter, IDisposable, new()
    using (var conn = new S())
        using (var da = new T())
            using (da.SelectCommand = conn.CreateCommand())
                da.SelectCommand.CommandText = query;
                da.SelectCommand.Connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
                DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //conn is opened by dataadapter
                return ds.Tables[0];


Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
DataTable dt = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    dt = Read1<MySqlConnection>(query); // ~9800ms
    dt = Read2<MySqlConnection, MySqlDataAdapter>(query); // ~2300ms
    dt = Read1<SQLiteConnection>(query); // ~4000ms
    dt = Read2<SQLiteConnection, SQLiteDataAdapter>(query); // ~2000ms
    dt = Read1<SqlCeConnection>(query); // ~5700ms
    dt = Read2<SqlCeConnection, SqlCeDataAdapter>(query); // ~5700ms
    dt = Read1<SqlConnection>(query); // ~850ms
    dt = Read2<SqlConnection, SqlDataAdapter>(query); // ~600ms
    dt = Read1<VistaDBConnection>(query); // ~3900ms
    dt = Read2<VistaDBConnection, VistaDBDataAdapter>(query); // ~3700ms

Read1在眼睛上看起来更好,但数据适配器性能更好(不要混淆一个数据库优于另一个数据库,查询都是不同的)。不过,两者之间的差异取决于查询。原因可能是Load添加行时需要从文档中逐行检查各种约束(这是DataTable的方法),而Fill是在专门为此设计的DataAdapters上 - 快速创建数据表。



DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[1];
string Query = "Describe Query Information/either sp, text or TableDirect";
DbConnectionHelper dbh = new DbConnectionHelper ();
ds = dbh. DBConnection("Here you use your Table Name", p , string Query, CommandType.StoredProcedure);


public class DbConnectionHelper {
   public DataSet DBConnection(string TableName, SqlParameter[] p, string Query, CommandType cmdText) {
    string connString = @ "your connection string here";
    //Object Declaration
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
    SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter();
    try {
     //Get Connection string and Make Connection
     con.ConnectionString = connString; //Get the Connection String
     if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) {
      con.Open(); //Connection Open
     if (cmdText == CommandType.StoredProcedure) //Type : Stored Procedure
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
      if (p.Length > 0) // If Any parameter is there means, we need to add.
       for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) {
     if (cmdText == CommandType.Text) // Type : Text
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
     if (cmdText == CommandType.TableDirect) //Type: Table Direct
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
     cmd.Connection = con; //Get Connection in Command
     sda.SelectCommand = cmd; // Select Command From Command to SqlDataAdaptor
     sda.Fill(ds, TableName); // Execute Query and Get Result into DataSet
     con.Close(); //Connection Close
    } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw ex; //Here you need to handle Exception
    return ds;

如果使用最新版本的 C#(版本 8 之后),代码将变得更加简单,因为 using 语句不需要大括号。

var table = new DataTable();
using var da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connectionString);