JavaScript、JQuery 或 AJAX 版本的 Recaptcha Validate

本文关键字:Recaptcha Validate 版本 AJAX JQuery JavaScript | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:57:20

我试图使用一些 js 代码验证验证码,但正在获得一些权限 错误"访问被拒绝"是否可以在多个浏览器中使用 javascript 验证代码和 ajax 实现验证。

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function() {
        Recaptcha.create("var_public_key", recaptchadiv, {
            theme: "clean",
            callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field

function submitFormData() {
var urlString = "";
var params = encodeURI("remoteip=" + $("#userIp").val() +"&privatekey=" + var_private_key + "&challenge=" + Recaptcha.get_challenge() + "&response=" +
        params = encodeURI(params);
        var status = document.getElementById("status");
        status.className = "";
        status.innerHTML = "<b>Submitting your data. Please wait...</b>";
        var html = $.ajax({
            type: "POST",
            url: urlString + "?" + params,
            async: false
        alert("ResponseText: " + html + ", Recaptcha.responseText: " + Recaptcha.responseText);
        var result = html.split("'n")[0];
        if (result == "true") {
            status.innerHTML = " ";
            return true;
        else {
            status.className = "GlobalErrorText";
            status.innerHTML = "Your captcha is incorrect. Please try again";
            return false;

JavaScript、JQuery 或 AJAX 版本的 Recaptcha Validate

@Boug是对的,这称为跨站点 AJAX 请求,您可以看到这个问题以查看是否可以找到跨站点 AJAX 请求的解决方案,但是....

我认为将 recaptcha 的私钥放在 javascript 中是一个漏洞,recaptcha 应该在服务器端代码上验证,这个问题包含有关如何在 MVC 中实现 recaptcha 的有用链接 Asp.Net 如何为 ASP.NET MVC 实现 reCaptcha?我使用了这种方法,它非常适合

您收到权限错误,因为您的 ajax 代码正在尝试访问不同站点 (google) 上的脚本作为您的脚本。据我所知,出于安全原因,我认为你不能做跨站点的Ajax调用

这个问题已经得到了回答。但是,这里有一些添加的代码,这些代码将在 ASP.NET WebForms 中工作,它使您能够对带有 reCaptcha 控件的页面发出本地 AJAX 请求,然后执行服务器端验证码验证。页面的 Web 方法将返回真/假。

我从mindfire解决方案中获得了这段代码,但是在Ajax成功回调b/c中添加了JS函数的执行 Ajax 正在进行异步回调。


<script type="text/javascript">
$(function(e) {
    $("#submit").click(function() { // my button is type=button, not type=submit
        // I'm using jQuery validation and want to make sure page is valid before making Ajax request
        if ( $("#aspnetForm").valid() ) {
            validateCaptcha();  // or validateCaptchaJson() if you want to use Json
        }   // end  If ($("#aspnetForm").valid())
    }); // end $("#submit").click()
}); // end $(function(e)

function validateCaptcha() {
    // Individual string variables storing captcha values
    var challengeField = $("input#recaptcha_challenge_field").val();
    var responseField = $("input#recaptcha_response_field").val();
    // Ajax post to page web method that will do server-side captcha validation
        type: "POST",
        url: "page.aspx/ValidateCaptcha",
        data: "recaptcha_challenge_field=" + challengeField + "&amp;recaptcha_response_field=" + responseField,
        async: false
        success: function(msg) {
            if(msg.d) { // Either true or false, true indicates CAPTCHA is validated successfully.
                // this could hide your captcha widget
                $("#recaptcha_widget_div").html(" ");
                // execute some JS function upon successful captcha validation
            } else {
                // execute some JS function upon failed captcha validation (like throwing up a modal indicating failed attempt)
                // don't forget to reload/reset the captcha to try again
            return false;
function validateCaptchaJson() {
    // JavaScript object storing captcha values
    var captchaInfo = {
        challengeValue: Recaptcha.get_challenge(),
        responseValue: Recaptcha.get_response()
    // Ajax post to page web method that will do server-side captcha validation
        type: "POST",
        url: "page.aspx/ValidateCaptcha",
        data: JSON.stringify(captchaInfo),  // requires ref to JSON (
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function(msg) {
            if(msg.d) { // Either true or false, true indicates CAPTCHA is validated successfully.
                // this could hide your captcha widget
                $("#recaptcha_widget_div").html(" ");
                // execute some JS function upon successful captcha validation
            } else {
                // execute some JS function upon failed captcha validation (like throwing up a modal indicating failed attempt)
                // don't forget to reload/reset the captcha to try again
            return false;

页面的网络方法 (VB.NET):

<WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function ValidateCaptcha(ByVal challengeValue As String, ByVal responseValue As String) As Boolean
    ' IDEA: Get Private key of the CAPTCHA from Web.config file.
    Dim captchaValidtor As New Recaptcha.RecaptchaValidator() With { _
     .PrivateKey = "your_private_key_goes_here", _
     .RemoteIP = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, _
     .Challenge = challengeValue, _
     .Response = responseValue _
    ' Send data about captcha validation to reCAPTCHA site.
    Dim recaptchaResponse As Recaptcha.RecaptchaResponse = captchaValidtor.Validate()
    ' Get boolean value about Captcha success / failure.
    Return recaptchaResponse.IsValid
End Function