您将如何简化进入和退出 ReaderWriterLock

本文关键字:退出 ReaderWriterLock 何简化 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:47:25


    Return m_List.Count
End Try


您将如何简化进入和退出 ReaderWriterLock

我也是这么想的,但在 C# 中 ;-p

using System;
using System.Threading;
class Program
    static void Main()
        ReaderWriterLockSlim sync = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
        using (sync.Read())
           // etc    

public static class ReaderWriterExt
    sealed class ReadLockToken : IDisposable
        private ReaderWriterLockSlim sync;
        public ReadLockToken(ReaderWriterLockSlim sync)
            this.sync = sync;
        public void Dispose()
            if (sync != null)
                sync = null;
    public static IDisposable Read(this ReaderWriterLockSlim obj)
        return new ReadLockToken(obj);


ReaderWriterLockSlim sync = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
using (sync.Read())
  // Do stuff


ReaderWriterLockSlim sync = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
IDisposable d = sync.Read();
  // Do stuff

这意味着同步之间可能会发生 ThreadAbortException(或类似异常(。Read(( 和 try 块。当这种情况发生时,最终块永远不会被调用,锁永远不会被释放!

有关详细信息和更好的实现,请参阅:与 ReaderWriterLockSlim 和其他锁对象的死锁。简而言之,更好的实现归结为将锁移动到try块中,如下所示:

ReaderWriterLockSlim myLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
    // Do stuff
    // Release the lock


  /// <summary>
  /// Manager for a lock object that acquires and releases the lock in a manner
  /// that avoids the common problem of deadlock within the using block
  /// initialisation.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// This manager object is, by design, not itself thread-safe.
  /// </remarks>
  public sealed class ReaderWriterLockMgr : IDisposable
    /// <summary>
    /// Local reference to the lock object managed
    /// </summary>
    private ReaderWriterLockSlim _readerWriterLock = null;
    private enum LockTypes { None, Read, Write, Upgradeable }
    /// <summary>
    /// The type of lock acquired by this manager
    /// </summary>
    private LockTypes _enteredLockType = LockTypes.None;
    /// <summary>
    /// Manager object construction that does not acquire any lock
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ReaderWriterLock">The lock object to manage</param>
    public ReaderWriterLockMgr(ReaderWriterLockSlim ReaderWriterLock)
      if (ReaderWriterLock == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("ReaderWriterLock");
      _readerWriterLock = ReaderWriterLock;
    /// <summary>
    /// Call EnterReadLock on the managed lock
    /// </summary>
    public void EnterReadLock()
      if (_readerWriterLock == null)
        throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName);
      if (_enteredLockType != LockTypes.None)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Create a new ReaderWriterLockMgr for each state you wish to enter");
      // Allow exceptions by the Enter* call to propogate
      // and prevent updating of _enteredLockType
      _enteredLockType = LockTypes.Read;
    /// <summary>
    /// Call EnterWriteLock on the managed lock
    /// </summary>
    public void EnterWriteLock()
      if (_readerWriterLock == null)
        throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName);
      if (_enteredLockType != LockTypes.None)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Create a new ReaderWriterLockMgr for each state you wish to enter");
      // Allow exceptions by the Enter* call to propogate
      // and prevent updating of _enteredLockType
      _enteredLockType = LockTypes.Write;
    /// <summary>
    /// Call EnterUpgradeableReadLock on the managed lock
    /// </summary>
    public void EnterUpgradeableReadLock()
      if (_readerWriterLock == null)
        throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName);
      if (_enteredLockType != LockTypes.None)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Create a new ReaderWriterLockMgr for each state you wish to enter");
      // Allow exceptions by the Enter* call to propogate
      // and prevent updating of _enteredLockType
      _enteredLockType = LockTypes.Upgradeable;
    /// <summary>
    /// Exit the lock, allowing re-entry later on whilst this manager is in scope
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Whether the lock was previously held</returns>
    public bool ExitLock()
      switch (_enteredLockType)
        case LockTypes.Read:
          _enteredLockType = LockTypes.None;
          return true;
        case LockTypes.Write:
          _enteredLockType = LockTypes.None;
          return true;
        case LockTypes.Upgradeable:
          _enteredLockType = LockTypes.None;
          return true;
      return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Dispose of the lock manager, releasing any lock held
    /// </summary>
    public void Dispose()
      if (_readerWriterLock != null)
        // Tidy up managed resources
        // Release reference to the lock so that it gets garbage collected
        // when there are no more references to it
        _readerWriterLock = null;
        // Call GC.SupressFinalize to take this object off the finalization
        // queue and prevent finalization code for this object from
        // executing a second time.
    protected ~ReaderWriterLockMgr()
      if (_readerWriterLock != null)
      // Leave references to managed resources so that the garbage collector can follow them


ReaderWriterLockSlim myLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
using (ReaderWriterLockMgr lockMgr = new ReaderWriterLockMgr(myLock))
    // Do stuff


接下来,锁对异步异常(如线程中止和内存不足情况(不可靠。 如果在其中一个锁的方法中间发生其中一种情况,则锁状态可能会损坏,从而导致随后的死锁、未经处理的异常,并且(可悲的是(由于内部使用旋转锁,固定的 100% CPU。 因此,如果您要在经常使用线程中止或尝试在硬 OOM 中生存的环境中运行代码,那么您不会对此锁感到满意。


internal static class ReaderWriteLockExtensions
    private struct Disposable : IDisposable
        private readonly Action m_action;
        private Sentinel m_sentinel;
        public Disposable(Action action)
            m_action = action;
            m_sentinel = new Sentinel();
        public void Dispose()
    private class Sentinel
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Lock not properly disposed.");
    public static IDisposable AcquireReadLock(this ReaderWriterLockSlim lock)
        return new Disposable(lock.ExitReadLock);
    public static IDisposable AcquireUpgradableReadLock(this ReaderWriterLockSlim lock)
        return new Disposable(lock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock);
    public static IDisposable AcquireWriteLock(this ReaderWriterLockSlim lock)
        return new Disposable(lock.ExitWriteLock);


using (m_lock.AcquireReadLock())
    // Do stuff


Using m_Lock.ReadSection
    Return m_List.Count
End Using


<Extension()> Public Function ReadSection(ByVal lock As ReaderWriterLockSlim) As ReadWrapper
    Return New ReadWrapper(lock)
End Function

Public NotInheritable Class ReadWrapper
    Implements IDisposable
    Private m_Lock As ReaderWriterLockSlim
    Public Sub New(ByVal lock As ReaderWriterLockSlim)
        m_Lock = lock
    End Sub
    Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
    End Sub
End Class

由于锁的目的是保护某些内存,我认为将该内存包装在"锁定"对象中会很有用,并且只能通过各种锁令牌访问它(如 Mark 所述(:

// Stores a private List<T>, only accessible through lock tokens
//  returned by Read, Write, and UpgradableRead.
var lockedList = new LockedList<T>( );
using( var r = lockedList.Read( ) ) {
  foreach( T item in r.Reader )
using( var w = lockedList.Write( ) ) {
  w.Writer.Add( new T( ) );
T t = ...;
using( var u = lockedList.UpgradableRead( ) ) {
  if( !u.Reader.Contains( t ) )
    using( var w = u.Upgrade( ) )
      w.Writer.Add( t );




List<T> list;
using( var w = lockedList.Write( ) )
  list = w.Writable;
//BAD: "locked" object leaked outside of lock scope
list.MakeChangesWithoutHoldingLock( );


sealed class LockedList<T> : Locked<List<T>, ReadOnlyCollection<T>> {
  public LockedList( )
    : base( new List<T>( ), list => list.AsReadOnly( ) )
  { }
public class Locked<W, R> where W : class where R : class {
  private readonly LockerState state_;
  public Locked( W writer, R reader ) { this.state_ = new LockerState( reader, writer ); }
  public Locked( W writer, Func<W, R> getReader ) : this( writer, getReader( writer ) ) { }
  public IReadable Read( ) { return new Readable( this.state_ ); }
  public IWritable Write( ) { return new Writable( this.state_ ); }
  public IUpgradable UpgradableRead( ) { return new Upgradable( this.state_ ); }

  public interface IReadable : IDisposable { R Reader { get; } }
  public interface IWritable : IDisposable { W Writer { get; } }
  public interface IUpgradable : IReadable { IWritable Upgrade( );}

  #region Private Implementation Details
  sealed class LockerState {
    public readonly R Reader;
    public readonly W Writer;
    public readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim Sync;
    public LockerState( R reader, W writer ) {
      Debug.Assert( reader != null && writer != null );
      this.Reader = reader;
      this.Writer = writer;
      this.Sync = new ReaderWriterLockSlim( );
  abstract class Accessor : IDisposable {
    private LockerState state_;
    protected LockerState State { get { return this.state_; } }
    protected Accessor( LockerState state ) {
      Debug.Assert( state != null );
      this.Acquire( state.Sync );
      this.state_ = state;
    protected abstract void Acquire( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync );
    protected abstract void Release( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync );
    public void Dispose( ) {
      if( this.state_ != null ) {
        var sync = this.state_.Sync;
        this.state_ = null;
        this.Release( sync );
  class Readable : Accessor, IReadable {
    public Readable( LockerState state ) : base( state ) { }
    public R Reader { get { return this.State.Reader; } }
    protected override void Acquire( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync ) { sync.EnterReadLock( ); }
    protected override void Release( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync ) { sync.ExitReadLock( ); }
  sealed class Writable : Accessor, IWritable {
    public Writable( LockerState state ) : base( state ) { }
    public W Writer { get { return this.State.Writer; } }
    protected override void Acquire( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync ) { sync.EnterWriteLock( ); }
    protected override void Release( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync ) { sync.ExitWriteLock( ); }
  sealed class Upgradable : Readable, IUpgradable {
    public Upgradable( LockerState state ) : base( state ) { }
    public IWritable Upgrade( ) { return new Writable( this.State ); }
    protected override void Acquire( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync ) { sync.EnterUpgradeableReadLock( ); }
    protected override void Release( ReaderWriterLockSlim sync ) { sync.ExitUpgradeableReadLock( ); }