
本文关键字:语句 if-else 运算符 or 操作 排除 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:58:30


if (typeOfDice != 4 || typeOfDice != 6 || 
        typeOfDice != 8 || typeOfDice != //10 || typeOfDice != 12 || 
        typeOfDice != 20 || typeOfDice != 100)


    static void Main(string[] args)
        Random roll = new Random();
        // Request dice type from user
        Console.WriteLine("Please input the type of dice you want to roll. ");
        // Display dice types to user
        Console.WriteLine("4) Four-sided");
        Console.WriteLine("6) Six-sided");
        Console.WriteLine("8) Eight-sided");
        Console.WriteLine("10) Ten-sided");
        Console.WriteLine("12) Twelve-sided");
        Console.WriteLine("20) Twenty-sided");
        Console.WriteLine("100) Percentage");
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        // Take dice type from user
        Console.Write("Type of Dice: ");
        int typeOfDice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        // Prevents user from breaking the program by printing a corrective message
        // and restarting the program in the event an inappropriate choice is made by the user.
        if (typeOfDice != 4 || typeOfDice != 6 ||
        typeOfDice != 8 || typeOfDice != //10 || typeOfDice != 12 || 
        typeOfDice != 20 || typeOfDice != 100)
            Console.WriteLine("That is not an acceptable die type. Please try again.");
        goto Start;
            // Initiates random variable and total variable
            Random rnd = new Random();
            int total = 0;
            // Request number of dice from user
            Console.WriteLine("Please input the number of dice you want to roll ");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            // Accept number of dice from user 
            Console.Write("Number of Dice: ");
            int numberOfDice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            /// Assigns random generator parameters to user's choice of dice type and 
            // generates random number, looping until the die is rolled the requested 
            // number of times and the result of each new roll is added to the total
            switch (typeOfDice)
                case 4:
                    for (int count = 0; count < numberOfDice; count++)
                        int currentRoll = rnd.Next(typeOfDice);
                        total += currentRoll + 1;
                        Console.Write("{0} ", currentRoll + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" ");
                case 6:
                    for (int count = 0; count < numberOfDice; count++)
                        int currentRoll = rnd.Next(typeOfDice);
                        total += currentRoll + 1;
                        Console.Write("{0} ", currentRoll + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" ");
                case 8:
                    for (int count = 0; count < numberOfDice; count++)
                        int currentRoll = rnd.Next(typeOfDice);
                        total += currentRoll + 1;
                        Console.Write("{0} ", currentRoll + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" ");
                case 10:
                    for (int count = 0; count < numberOfDice; count++)
                        int currentRoll = rnd.Next(typeOfDice);
                        total += currentRoll + 1;
                        Console.Write("{0} ", currentRoll + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" ");
                case 12:
                    for (int count = 0; count < numberOfDice; count++)
                        int currentRoll = rnd.Next(typeOfDice);
                        total += currentRoll + 1;
                        Console.Write("{0} ", currentRoll + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" ");
                case 20:
                    for (int count = 0; count < numberOfDice; count++)
                        int currentRoll = rnd.Next(typeOfDice);
                        total += currentRoll + 1;
                        Console.Write("{0} ", currentRoll + 1);
                        // Console.WriteLine(" ");
                case 100:
                    for (int count = 0; count < numberOfDice; count++)
                        int currentRoll = rnd.Next(typeOfDice);
                        total += currentRoll + 1;
                        Console.Write("{0} ", currentRoll + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" ");
            // Prints total of dice rolls.
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine("Total: {0}", total);
            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            goto Start;



if (typeOfDice != 4 && 
    typeOfDice != 6 && 
    typeOfDice != 8 && 
    typeOfDice != 10 && 
    typeOfDice != 12 && 
    typeOfDice != 20 && 
    typeOfDice != 100)

对于|| operator,如果您为骰子选择了正确的值,则if求值始终为true


public enum DiceType
   FourSides = 4,
   SixSides= 6,
   EightSides = 8,
   TenSides = 10,
   TwelveSides = 12,
   TwentySides = 20,
   Percentage = 100


Random roll = new Random();
    // Request dice type from user
    Console.WriteLine("Please input the type of dice you want to roll. ");
    // Display dice types to user
    Console.WriteLine("4) Four-sided");
    Console.WriteLine("6) Six-sided");
    Console.WriteLine("8) Eight-sided");
    Console.WriteLine("10) Ten-sided");
    Console.WriteLine("12) Twelve-sided");
    Console.WriteLine("20) Twenty-sided");
    Console.WriteLine("100) Percentage");
    Console.WriteLine(" ");
    Console.WriteLine("Type quit to exit ");
    // Take dice type from user
    Console.Write("Type of Dice: ");
    string input = Console.ReadLine();
    if(input == "quit")
    DiceType typeOfDice;
    // Try to parse the input and check if it could be an enum of the 
    // desidered type (Note user can also input "foursides" not just 4
    if (!Enum.TryParse<DiceType>(input, true, out typeOfDice) || 
        !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DiceType), typeOfDice))
        Console.WriteLine("That is not an acceptable die type. Please try again.");
       switch (typeOfDice)
           case DiceType.FourSides:
           case DiceType.SixSides:
