.net C#用具有数百个属性的类管理IsDirty功能的通用方法

本文关键字:属性 管理 功能 方法 百个 IsDirty net | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:59:01


private T SetPropertyValue<T>(T property, T value)
if  (!property.Equals(value))
// If values are different, return the new value and
// if the IsInitializing flag is false, then set the dirty flag for the class.
if (!IsInitializing)
IsDirty = true;
return value;
// If the current value of the property and the value passed in are the same,
// return the current value of the property.
return property;
private DateTimeOffset? _actualProjectCompletionDate;
public DateTimeOffset? ActualProjectCompletionDate
        return _actualProjectCompletionDate;
        _actualProjectCompletionDate = SetPropertyValue(_actualProjectCompletionDate, value);


.net C#用具有数百个属性的类管理IsDirty功能的通用方法


private T SetPropertyValue<T>(ref T property, T value)
    if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(property, value))
        if (!IsInitializing)
            IsDirty = true;
        property = value;
public DateTimeOffset? ActualProjectCompletionDate
    get { return _actualProjectCompletionDate; }
    set { SetPropertyValue(ref _actualProjectCompletionDate, value); }