C# 使用 LINQ 从类中提取 DARA

本文关键字:提取 DARA 使用 LINQ | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:59:10


public class Profile 
    private List<Location> location = new List<Location>();
    public int Current { get; set; }
    public List<Location> Location { get; set; }
public class Location
    public int id { get; set; }
    public Single x { get; set; }
    public Single y { get; set; }
    public Single z { get; set; }
    public float Distance { get; set; }

所做的是用我从 XML 获得的数据填充这两个类:

这是 XML 结构:

    <level Current="2">
            <GPSSpot id="1" x="78492.61" y="-80973.03" z="-4403.297" Distance="90"/>
            <GPSSpot id="2" x="78323.57" y="-81994.98" z="-4385.707" Distance="55"/>
            <GPSSpot id="3" x="78250.57" y="-81994.98" z="-4385.707" Distance="43"/>
        <Vendor id = "1" x="123456" y="456789" z="0234324"/>
        <Banker id = "1" x="23432" y="3243243" z="5154445"/>
            <Teleporter id = "1" MapID="1122" x="324324" y="23432" z="23432432"/>
            <Teleporter id = "2" MapID="4444" x="324324" y="23432" z="23432432"/>           
            <Teleporter id = "3" MapID="2222" x="324324" y="23432" z="23432432"/>


public static List<Profile> ParseXml() //Parsing all them GPSSpots from XML
    List<Profile> result = new List<Profile>(); //first we have to empty the list in case spawn will be called more than once
    doc = XDocument.Load(Document);
    result = (from n in doc.Descendants("level")
              select new Profile()
                  Current = int.Parse(n.Attribute("Current").Value),
                  Location = (from l in n.Element("GPSSpots").Elements("GPSSpot")
                              select new Location()
                                  id = int.Parse(l.Attribute("id").Value),
                                  x = Single.Parse(l.Attribute("x").Value),
                                  y = Single.Parse(l.Attribute("y").Value),
                                  z = Single.Parse(l.Attribute("z").Value),
                                  Distance =  Single.Parse(l.Attribute("Distance").Value)
    return result;


我需要从"配置文件类"中获取最接近的数字(Current值(到比方说数字 10。

示例 1 如果我有数字list 1,4,7,12,20正确的结果应该是 7。

例 28 如果我有数字list 1,21,22,44正确的结果应该是 1。


var ProperLevel = GPSSpots.Where(s => s.Current < 10).Max(s => s.Current);


示例:假设我们的 var ProperLevel返回2(就像在我们的 XML 中只有一个节点一样(。现在我们必须从类 Locations 中提取正确的节点(相应的 var ProperLevel (。现在我们有了数据,我们根据最低Distance和返回ID对其进行排序。


Current level = 2
ID = 3
Distance = 43

C# 使用 LINQ 从类中提取 DARA


如何使用 LINQ 选择具有最小或最大属性值的对象

可用的最短选项之一是使用 Aggregate()

var ProperLevel = GPSSpots.Where(s => s.Current < 10)
                          .Aggregate((c, d) => c.Current > d.Current ? c : d);
var loc = ProperLevel.Location
                     .Aggregate((c, d) => c.Distance < d.Distance ? c : d);
Console.WriteLine("Current level = {0}", ProperLevel.Current);
Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}", loc.id);
Console.WriteLine("Distance = {0}", loc.Distance);
var loc = ProperLevel.Locations.Min(l=>l.Distance);