
本文关键字:视频设备 音频 默认 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:00:16

我使用的是dotNet c#。我需要识别默认的视频和音频设备我知道我可以列举音频设备,但如何确定默认的一个?ManagementObjectSearcher mo=新的ManagementObjectSearcher("从Win32_SoundDevice中选择*");

        foreach (ManagementObject soundDevice in mo.Get())
            String deviceId = soundDevice.GetPropertyValue("DeviceId").ToString();
            String name = soundDevice.GetPropertyValue("Name").ToString();
            String status = soundDevice.GetPropertyValue("StatusInfo").ToString();



using Microsoft.Win32;
using System;
namespace RetrieveAudioDeviceInfo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string RequestedDeviceStatus = "Active"; // Initialize string variable for storing audio device status of interest. Valid input = "Active" or "Enabled"
            string RequestedDeviceType = "Playback"; // Initialize string variable for storing audio device type of interest. Valid input = "Playback" or "Recording"
            if (!String.Equals(RequestedDeviceStatus, "Active", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !String.Equals(RequestedDeviceStatus, "Enabled", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check RequestedDeviceStatus to ensure valid input was provided
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid AudioDeviceStatus specified. Info request canceled"); // Output info to event log
                Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for user input
                return; // Immediately stop processing the inline function
            string DeviceRegistryName; // Declare string variable for storing the registry name for the device type of interest
            if (String.Equals(RequestedDeviceType, "Playback", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if info request is for playback devices
                DeviceRegistryName = "Render"; // Set the DeviceRegistryName
            else if (String.Equals(RequestedDeviceType, "Recording", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if info request is for recording devices
                DeviceRegistryName = "Capture"; // Set the DeviceRegistryName
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid AudioDeviceType specified. Info request canceled"); // Output info to event log
                Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for user input
                return; // Immediately stop processing the inline function
            RegistryKey RootKey; // Initialize RegistryKey for containing the root (base) key to evaluate
            if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) // Check if operating system is 64-bit
                RootKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64); // Opens registry's LocalMachine key with a 64-bit view
                RootKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32); // Opens registry's LocalMachine key with a 32-bit view
            string AudioKey = @"SOFTWARE'Microsoft'Windows'CurrentVersion'MMDevices'Audio"; // Parent registry key for audio devices
            string DeviceName, DeviceType; // Declare string variables for storing audio device information
            string[] ActiveDeviceRoles = null; // Initialize string array for storing information about the active devices for each audio role
            using (RegistryKey ChildKey = RootKey.OpenSubKey(AudioKey)) // Open subkey of AudioKey and store in ChildKey. "using" implemented for proper disposal.
                foreach (string ChildKeyName in ChildKey.GetSubKeyNames()) // Loop through each SubKeyName in ChildKey
                    if (ChildKeyName == DeviceRegistryName) // Check if ChildKeyName is "Render" (signifies registry folder for audio playback devices)
                        using (RegistryKey RenderKey = ChildKey.OpenSubKey(ChildKeyName)) // Open subkey of ChildKey and store in RenderKey. "using" implemented for proper disposal.
                            DateTime[] ActiveDeviceRoleTimes = null; // Initialize DateTime array for storing times when audio devices last held a particular audio role
                            int j = 1; // Initialize integer variable for tracking audio playback device count
                            foreach (string DeviceKeyName in RenderKey.GetSubKeyNames()) // Loop through each SubKeyName in RenderKey
                                using (RegistryKey DeviceKey = RenderKey.OpenSubKey(DeviceKeyName)) // Open subkey of RenderKey and store in DeviceKey. "using" implemented for proper disposal.
                                    if (Convert.ToInt32(DeviceKey.GetValue("DeviceState")) == 1) // Check if current audio device is enabled
                                        string CurrentDeviceInfo; // Declare string variable for storing information about the current audio device
                                        using (RegistryKey DeviceKeyProperties = DeviceKey.OpenSubKey("Properties")) // Open "Properties" subkey of DeviceKey and store in DeviceKeyProperties. "using" implemented for proper disposal.
                                            DeviceName = DeviceKeyProperties.GetValue("{b3f8fa53-0004-438e-9003-51a46e139bfc},6").ToString(); // Retrieve the current device's name from the registry
                                            DeviceType = DeviceKeyProperties.GetValue("{a45c254e-df1c-4efd-8020-67d146a850e0},2").ToString(); // Retrieve the current device's type from the registry
                                            CurrentDeviceInfo = DeviceType + " (" + DeviceName + ")"; // Combine the DeviceName and DeviceType info similar to how VoiceAttack displays this data in the Options menu
                                            if (String.Equals(RequestedDeviceStatus, "Enabled", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if user wants to show which audio devices are enabled
                                                Console.WriteLine("Audio " + RequestedDeviceType + " Device " + j++ + " = " + CurrentDeviceInfo); // Output the CurrentDeviceInfo to the event log
                                                continue; // Continue with next index in parent for loop
                                        string[] roles = { "Role:0", "Role:1", "Role:2" }; // Initialize string array for storing the names of the different audio roles
                                        DateTime[] CurrentDeviceRoleTimes = new DateTime[roles.Length]; // Initialize DateTime array for storing times when the current audio devices last held a particular audio role
                                        //Console.WriteLine("Audio " + RequestedDeviceType + " Device " + j++ + " = " + CurrentDeviceInfo); // Output the CurrentDeviceInfo to the event log. Useful for debuging
                                        for (int i = 0; i < roles.Length; i++) // Loop based on the size of the roles string array
                                            byte[] RegistryData = (byte[])DeviceKey.GetValue(roles[i]); // Extract audio device role data from the registry
                                            if (RegistryData == null) // Check if the extracted data is null
                                                continue; // Continue to next index in parent for loop
                                            CurrentDeviceRoleTimes[i] = GetRoleDateTime(RegistryData); // Retrieve role information from registry, convert this data to a DateTime, and store it
                                            //Console.WriteLine(roles[i] + " = " + CurrentDeviceRoleTimes[i].ToString()); // Output info to event log. Useful for debuging
                                        if (ActiveDeviceRoles == null || ActiveDeviceRoles.Length == 0) // Check if ActiveDeviceRoles is null or empty
                                            ActiveDeviceRoles = new string[roles.Length]; // Initialize ActiveDeviceRoles string array
                                            ActiveDeviceRoleTimes = new DateTime[roles.Length]; // Initialize ActiveDeviceRoleTImes DateTime array
                                        for (int i = 0; i < roles.Length; i++) // Loop based on the size of the roles string array 
                                            if (ActiveDeviceRoleTimes[i] < CurrentDeviceRoleTimes[i]) // Check if the ActiveDeviceRoleTime at the current index is less than the CurrentDeviceRoleTime at this index
                                                ActiveDeviceRoles[i] = CurrentDeviceInfo; // Set ActiveDeviceRoles at current index to CurrentDeviceInfo
                                                ActiveDeviceRoleTimes[i] = CurrentDeviceRoleTimes[i]; // Set ActiveDeviceRoleTime at current index to corresponding CurrentDeviceRoleTime at this index
            if (!String.Equals(RequestedDeviceStatus, "Enabled", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if user does NOT want to see the enabled devices
                if (ActiveDeviceRoles != null) // Check if ActiveDeviceRoles is not null (i.e., enabled device data has been found and stored)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ActiveDeviceRoles.Length; i++) // Loop based on the size of the ActiveDeviceRoles string array
                        string RoleName = null; // Initialize string variable for storing role description
                        switch (i) // Create switch statement based on integer i
                            case 0: // For case where i = 0
                                RoleName = "Default"; // Set RoleName
                                break; // Break out of switch statement
                            case 1: // For case where i = 1
                                    // There is the "Multimedia" role, but I don't believe this is currently used by Windows. 
                                    // The code for this role will remain for possible future use.
                                    //RoleName = "Multimedia"; // Set RoleName
                                    //break; // Break out of switch statement
                                continue; // Immediately continue with next index in parent for loop
                            case 2: // For case where i = 2
                                RoleName = "Communications"; // Set RoleName
                                break; // Break out of switch statement
                        if (ActiveDeviceRoles[i] == null) // Check if ActiveDeviceRole at current index is null
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Device = {2}", RoleName, RequestedDeviceType, "Not Set"); // Output info to event log
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Device = {2}", RoleName, RequestedDeviceType, ActiveDeviceRoles[i]); // Output info to event log
                    Console.WriteLine("No audio playback devices enabled"); // Output info to event log
        // Function for converting registry data for an audio device into corresponding DateTime information
        static DateTime GetRoleDateTime(byte[] binary)
            if (binary == null || binary.Length != 16) // Check if binary is null or the length is not 16
                throw new ArgumentException("Error converting registry data to DateTime"); // Throw an exception
            int year = Convert.ToInt32(binary[0] + binary[1]*256); // Extract year from registy data
            int month = Convert.ToInt32(binary[2]); // Extract month from registy data
            int day = Convert.ToInt32(binary[6]); // Extract day from registy data
            int hour = Convert.ToInt32(binary[8]); // Extract hour from registy data
            int minute = Convert.ToInt32(binary[10]); // Extract minute from registy data
            int seconds = Convert.ToInt32(binary[12]); // Extract seconds from registy data
            int milliseconds = Convert.ToInt32(binary[14] + binary[15]*256); // Extract milliseconds from registy data
            return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds).ToLocalTime(); // Return the converted DateTime data
// References:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14668091/read-registry-binary-and-convert-to-string
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.datetime.frombinary(v=vs.110).aspx
// https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/382c06b1-a660-47da-a6e6-a7b27404581a/regbinary-value-from-registry-to-date-format-conversion?forum=csharpgeneral
// http://nircmd.nirsoft.net/setdefaultsounddevice.html
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3121957/how-can-i-do-a-case-insensitive-string-comparison


import winreg as wr
import platform
from contextlib import suppress
def is_os_64bit():
    return platform.machine().endswith('64')

def get_default_output_device():
    """ returns the PyAudio formatted name of the default output device """
    import winreg as wr
    read_access = wr.KEY_READ | wr.KEY_WOW64_64KEY if is_os_64bit() else wr.KEY_READ
    audio_path = r'SOFTWARE'Microsoft'Windows'CurrentVersion'MMDevices'Audio'Render'
    audio_key = wr.OpenKeyEx(wr.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, audio_path, 0, read_access)
    num_devices = wr.QueryInfoKey(audio_key)[0]
    active_last_used, active_device_name = -1, None
    for i in range(num_devices):
        device_key_path = f'{audio_path}''{wr.EnumKey(audio_key, i)}'
        device_key = wr.OpenKeyEx(wr.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, device_key_path, 0, read_access)
        if wr.QueryValueEx(device_key, 'DeviceState')[0] == 1:  # if enabled
            properties_path = f'{device_key_path}''Properties'
            properties = wr.OpenKeyEx(wr.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, properties_path, 0, read_access)
            device_name = wr.QueryValueEx(properties, '{b3f8fa53-0004-438e-9003-51a46e139bfc},6')[0]
            device_type = wr.QueryValueEx(properties, '{a45c254e-df1c-4efd-8020-67d146a850e0},2')[0]
            pa_name = f'{device_type} ({device_name})'  # name shown in PyAudio
            with suppress(FileNotFoundError):
                last_used = wr.QueryValueEx(device_key, 'Level:0')[0]
                if last_used > active_last_used:  # the bigger the number, the more recent it was used
                    active_last_used = last_used
                    active_device_name = pa_name
    return active_device_name

当前选择的默认设备将始终显示为ID 0。