
本文关键字:查找 实现 何通过 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:00:58



GetValue(first_name) -- would return a list of everyone with that first name
GetValue(first_name, last_name) -- would return a list of everyone with that first name & last name
GetValue(zipcode, first_name) -- would return a list of everyone with that first_name in the specified zipcode




public class CompositeKey
     public CompositeKey(string firstName, string lastName, string zipCode)
           FirstName = firstName;
           LastName = lastName;
           ZipCode = zipCode;
     public string FirstName { get; }
     public string LastName { get; }
     public string ZipCode { get; }

现在,我将覆盖CompositeKey上的EqualsGetHashCode,以提供使复合密钥唯一的原因,从而使Dictionary<TKey, TValue>能够存储唯一的复合密钥。


var value = dict[new CompositeKey(firstName: "Matías", lastName: "Fidemraizer" )];




Person person = new Person { /* Set members here */ }
// Note that I'll add many keys that have the same value
dict.Add(new CompositeKey(name: "Matías"), person);
dict.Add(new CompositeKey(lastName: "Fidemraizer"), person);
dict.Add(new CompositeKey(firstName: "Matías", lastName: "Fidemraizer"), person);




Dictionary<string, Person> names = new Dictionary<string, Person>();
names.Add("matias", new Person { /* Set members here */ });
Dictionary<string, Person> names = new Dictionary<string, Person>();
names.Add("matias:fidemraizer", new Person { /* Set members here */ });
// And so on, for every criteria you want to search...









此外,这意味着一个密钥(slot)将能够存储许多人,并且像get a person with first name"Matías"这样的查询将始终返回IEnumerable<Person>的实现(list、hash、linkedlist…),其中返回的整个集合将是finded persons:

KeyValuePair<CompositeKey, ISet<Person>> result;
if(dictionary.TryGetValue(new CompositeKey(firstName: "Matías"), out result))
    // I've got either one or many results and I'll decide what to do in
    // that case!

此外,这种增强的方法还有另一个可能的问题。当您使用像new CompositeKey(firstName: "Matías")这样的复合关键字进行查询,并且整个字典存储区可能存储了多个名字为"Matías"的人时,您将得到一个ISet<Person>IList<Person>LinkedList<Person>





  • 如果你通过提供一个组成部分来寻找一个人,你就冒着得到更多结果的风险。然后,如果是一个带有UI或某种人工智能的应用程序,则根本不应该进行搜索,而是直接从结果中选择一个项目(这是一个复杂度为O(1)的操作):
KeyValuePair<CompositeKey, ISet<Person>> result;
if(dictionary.TryGetValue(new CompositeKey(firstName: "Matías"), out result))
    if(result.Value.Count > 1)
         // Here you would show the user what you've found in the UI
         // and the whole user would choose one of the results directly,
         // which is an operation with O(1) complexity 
    else if(result.Value.Count <= 1)
         // OK, I got 0 or 1 result, this is easier than I thought! ;)
  • 如果你通过提供一个组件来寻找一个人,一旦你的应用程序意识到它得到了不止一个结果,它就可以自动提供另一个组件,你不会对结果执行搜索,但你会提供一个新的组合键,为主字典提供更多的组件,幸运的是,你会得到一个结果
public KeyValuePair<CompositeKey, ISet<Person>> SearchPerson(CompositeKey key)
    KeyValuePair<CompositeKey, ISet<Person>> result;
    if(dictionary.TryGetValue(new CompositeKey(firstName: "Matías"), out result))
        if(result.Value.Count > 1)
            // Oops! More than one result..... BUT I already know another 
            // component that will make the whole key absolutely unique, so
            // I'll call this method recursively to specialize the search even
            // more. Obviously, I've hardcoded the ZIP code as a sample, but
            // in a real-world case, who knows from where I would get this 
            // ZIP code... Maybe from some geolocalization query based on current
            // user's location?
            // Wait, it might happen that a person called Matías could live
            // in a location near be so this other person would have stored
            // the same ZIP code... Well, this goes outside the scope of this
            // Q&A. It's just an example of what to do, in an actual application
            // there should be many other choices to disambiguate persons
            // automatically...
            return SearchPerson(new CompositeKey(firstName: key.FirstName, zipCode: "03984"));
        else if(result.Value.Count <= 1)
             // OK, I got 0 or 1 result, this is easier than I thought! ;)

您可以使用3个Lookup s:

var FirstNamesLookup = data.ToLookup(x => Tuple.Create(x.FirstName), x => x);
var FirstAndLastLookup = data.ToLookup(x => Tuple.Create(x.FirstName, x.LastName), x => x);
var FirstAndZipLookup = data.ToLookup(x => Tuple.Create(x.FirstName, x.zipCode), x => x);


var matches = FirstNamesLookup[Tuple.Create("SomeName")].ToList();


var matches = FirstAndLastLookup[Tuple.Create("SomeName", "SomeLastName")].ToList();



var addresses = Enumerable.Empty<Address>();
// would return a list of everyone with that first name
addresses.Where(x => x.FirstName == "firstname");
// would return a list of everyone with that first name & last name
addresses.Where(x => x.FirstName == "firstname" && x.LastName == "lastname");
// would return a list of everyone with that first_name in the specified zipcode
addresses.Where(x => x.FirstName == "firstname" && x.ZipCode == "zipcode");

基于这里的所有想法和我被限制使用的事实。NET 2.0我是这样做的。包括它只是为了完整性,以防有人再次遇到这个问题。[不会将其标记为答案,因为它基于上面@Matias的许多想法,因此将他的答案标记为对最终解决方案贡献最大的答案]:

public class PersonKey {
    public string FirstName { get; private set; }
    public string LastName { get; private set; }
    public int Zipcode { get; private set; }
    public PersonKey() {
        FirstName = null;
        LastName = null;
        Zipcode = int.MinValue;
    public PersonKey(int Zipcode, string FirstName) : this() {
        this.FirstName = FirstName;
        this.Zipcode = Zipcode;
    public PersonKey(string LastName, string FirstName) : this() {
        this.FirstName = FirstName;
        this.LastName = LastName;
    public PersonKey(int Zipcode, string LastName, string FirstName) {
        this.Zipcode = Zipcode;
        this.LastName = LastName;
        this.FirstName = FirstName;
    public List<string> KeyList {
        get {
            var keyLst = new List<string>();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))
                keyLst.Add("FirstName:" + FirstName);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
                keyLst.Add("LastName:" + LastName);
            if (Zipcode != int.MinValue)
                keyLst.Add("Zipcode:" + Zipcode);
            return keyLst;
    public string Key {
        get {
            return MakeKey(KeyList.ToArray());
    public List<string[]> AllPossibleKeys {
        get {
            return CreateSubsets(KeyList.ToArray());
    List<T[]> CreateSubsets<T>(T[] originalArray) {
        List<T[]> subsets = new List<T[]>();
        for (int i = 0; i < originalArray.Length; i++) {
            int subsetCount = subsets.Count;
            subsets.Add(new T[] { originalArray[i] });
            for (int j = 0; j < subsetCount; j++) {
                T[] newSubset = new T[subsets[j].Length + 1];
                subsets[j].CopyTo(newSubset, 0);
                newSubset[newSubset.Length - 1] = originalArray[i];
        return subsets;
    internal string MakeKey(string[] possKey) {
        return String.Join(",", possKey);


//declare the cache
        private Dictionary<string, List<Person>> _lookup = new Dictionary<string, List<Person>>();


  var key = new PersonKey(person.ZipCode, person.LastName, person.FirstName);
  List<Person> lst;
  foreach (var possKey in key.AllPossibleKeys) {
      var k = key.MakeKey(possKey);
      if (!_lookup.TryGetValue(k, out lst)) {
           lst = new List<Person>();
           _lookup.Add(k, lst);


  List<Person> lst;
  var key = new PersonKey(lastName, firstName);  //more constructors can be added in PersonKey
   _lookup.TryGetValue(key.Key, out lst);