
本文关键字:跟踪 模式 何跟踪 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:01:38




public abstract class Service : IComparable<Service>
    public abstract decimal JobCost { get; }
    public virtual SortedSet<Service> Description { get; } = new SortedSet<Service>();
    public void AddToStack() => Description.Add(this);
    public int CompareTo(Service other)
        // if both are labor services, then 
        if ((this is Labor) && (other is Labor))
            return (this as Labor).Time.CheckIn.CompareTo((other as Labor).Time.CheckIn);
        if (other is Equipment)
            return -1;
        return -2;
public abstract class ServiceDecorator : Service
    public abstract override SortedSet<Service> Description { get; }

public class Labor : ServiceDecorator
    private Service service;
    private LaborRatesDual laborRates;
    private LaborTime laborTime;
    public Labor(Service service, LaborTime laborTime, LaborRatesDual laborRates)
        this.service = service;
        this.laborTime = laborTime;
        this.laborRates = laborRates;
    public int WorkOrderNo { get; set; }
    public string PO { get; set; }
    public override SortedSet<Service> Description => new SortedSet<Service>(service.Description);
    public int TechCount { get; set; } = 1;
    public LaborTime Time
        get { return laborTime; }
        set { laborTime = value; }
    public LaborRatesDual Rates
        get { return laborRates; }
        set { laborRates = value; }
    // labor time to complete the service (labor time x tech count)
    public TimeSpan Duration => TimeSpan.FromTicks(Time.Duration.Ticks * TechCount);
    // get the cost for this particular labor service
    public decimal Cost
    // returns complete job cost, including the wrapped object
    public override decimal JobCost => service.JobCost + Cost;
    // helps identify is the service should be billed at continuous rate, or if the time
    // should be billable using the dual-rate system
    public bool IsContinuation { get; set; } = false;

public class Equipment : ServiceDecorator
    Service service;
    EquipmentTime time;
    EquipmentRate rate;
    public Equipment(Service service, EquipmentTime equipmentTime, EquipmentRate equipmentRate)
        this.service = service;
        this.time = equipmentTime;
        this.rate = equipmentRate;
    public EquipmentTime Time
        get { return time; }
        set { time = value; }
    public int UnitCount { get; set; } = 1;
    public decimal Rate
        get { return rate.Rate; }
        set { rate.Rate = value; }
    public bool UseCalendarDayCount { get; set; } = false;
    // units x days
    public int FullCount
    public override SortedSet<Service> Description => new SortedSet<Service>(service.Description);
    public decimal Cost => FullCount * Rate;
    public override decimal JobCost => service.JobCost + Cost;

