
本文关键字:屏蔽 字符串 脚本 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:50:07


        string InputData = "123456";
        string MaskedData = InputData;
        if (MaskedData.Length > 0)
            // The technique used to mask the data is to replace numbers with random numbers and letters with letters
            //char[] chars = new char[InputData.Length];
            char[] chars = new char[InputData.Length];
            Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            int index = 0;
            while (InputData.Length > 0)
                // Get a random number between 0 and the length of the word.
                int next = rand.Next(0, InputData.Length - 1);
                // Take the character from the random position and add to our char array.
                //chars[index] = InputData[next];
                chars[index] = InputData[next];
                // Remove the character from the word.
                InputData = InputData.Substring(0, next) + InputData.Substring(next + 1);
            MaskedData = new String(chars);



static class RandomCharArrayTool
    static Random _random = new Random();
    public static string RandomizeChars(string theString)
        var arr = theString.ToCharArray();
        List<KeyValuePair<int, char>> list = new List<KeyValuePair<int, char>>();
        // Add all strings from array
        // Add new random int each time
        foreach (char s in arr)
            list.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, char>(_random.Next(), s));
        // Sort the list by the random number
        var sorted = from item in list
             orderby item.Key
             select item;
        // Allocate new string array
        char[] result = new char[arr.Length];
        // Copy values to array
        int index = 0;
        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, char> pair in sorted)
            result[index] = pair.Value;
        // Return string generated from copied array
        return new string(result);





string word = "123456";
string temp = word;
string result = string.Empty;
Random rand = new Random();
for (int a = 0; a < word.Length; a++)
    //multiplied by a number to get a better result, it was less likely for the last index to be picked
    int temp1 = rand.Next(0, (temp.Length - 1) * 3);
    result += temp[temp1 % temp.Length];
    temp = temp.Remove(temp1 % temp.Length, 1);
string str = result;


var rnd = new Random();
string InputData = "123456";
string MaskedData = new string(InputData.OrderBy(r => rnd.Next()).ToArray());


// SecureString
var secure = new SecureString();
foreach(var character in textbox.Text.ToCharArray())


// Hash (BCrypt for simplicity)
private const int factor = 12;
var hashed = BCrypter.HashPassword(textbox.Text, BCrypter.GenerateSalt(factor));