
本文关键字:代码 路径 返回值 方法 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:02:44

当我在开发一款XNA 4.0游戏时,我遇到了这个问题,我的一个方法是得到错误"不是所有的代码路径返回一个值",这让我在过去的几个小时里疯了。

 private Rectangle HandleCollision(Rectangle bounds, TileCollision collision, Rectangle tileBounds)
        Vector2 depth = RectangleExtensions.GetIntersectionDepth(bounds, tileBounds);
        if (depth != Vector2.Zero)
            float absDepthX = Math.Abs(depth.X);
            float absDepthY = Math.Abs(depth.Y);
            // Resolve the collision along the shallow axis.  
            if (absDepthY < absDepthX || collision == TileCollision.Platform)
                // If we crossed the top of a tile, we are on the ground.
                // also ladder
                if (previousBottom <= tileBounds.Top)
                    if (collision == TileCollision.Ladder)
                        if (!isClimbing && !isJumping)
                            //walking over a ladder
                            isOnGround = true;
                        isOnGround = true;
                        isClimbing = false;
                        isJumping = false;

                // Ignore platforms, unless we are on the ground.  
                if (collision == TileCollision.Impassable || IsOnGround)
                    // Resolve the collision along the Y axis.  
                    Position = new Vector2(Position.X, Position.Y + depth.Y);
                    // Perform further collisions with the new bounds.  
                    bounds = BoundingRectangle;
            else if (collision == TileCollision.Impassable) // Ignore platforms.  
                // Resolve the collision along the X axis.  
                Position = new Vector2(Position.X + depth.X, Position.Y);
                // Perform further collisions with the new bounds.  
                bounds = BoundingRectangle;
            else if (collision == TileCollision.Ladder && !isClimbing)
                //stops colliding with ladder if player walks past or drops off ladder
                Position = new Vector2(Position.X, Position.Y);
                //perform collisions with new bounds
                bounds = BoundingRectangle;
            return bounds;



if (depth != Vector2.Zero)


return bounds;语句移到if语句之外。如果if语句解析为false,则永远不会返回。

如果depth = Vector2。零,你不返回任何东西。因此,不是所有的代码路径都返回一个值。

返回语句嵌套在条件语句中。因此,如果(depth == Vector2.Zero)该方法将不会返回值

这是因为如果您首先IF将返回false,然后作为错误说Not all code paths return a value。您应该考虑添加一个返回值,或者在这种情况下可以使用一个例外


private Rectangle HandleCollision(Rectangle bounds, TileCollision collision, Rectangle tileBounds)
  if(depth != Vector2.Zero)
  return bounds;


private Rectangle HandleCollision(Rectangle bounds, TileCollision collision, Rectangle tileBounds)
  if(depth != Vector2.Zero)
     return bounds;

这意味着,如果depth == Vector2.Zero什么都没有返回,那么你就会得到你所看到的错误。

如果您的depth != Vector2.Zero返回false

if ( depth != Vector2.Zero ) 

