
本文关键字:范围 复制 一列 其他 数据表 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:03:50



int curCol = 4;
int maxRows = 55;
byte[] values = new byte[maxRows];
values = dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Select<DataRow, byte>(row => Convert.ToByte(row[curCol])).ToArray();


const int numCols = 10;
int curCol = 2;
int searchRow = 1;
int startRow = 3;
int numRows = 25;
byte val = (byte)dt.Rows[searchRow][curCol]; 
// iterate through all columns
for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
    // look for "other" columns with the same value in the searchRow of interest
    if (col != curCol && val == (byte)dt.Rows[searchRow][col])
        // iterate through the given row range (startRow and numRows)
        for (int row = startRow; row < startRow+numRows; row++)
            // copy from current column
            dt.Rows[row][col] = dt.Rows[row][curCol];



1 2 3 4 ... // cols 0 .. 3 in row 0
5 5 6 6 ... // cols 0 .. 3 in row 1
0 0 1 0 ... // ...
7 0 8 0 ...
9 0 9 0 ...
. . . .


1 2 3 4 ...
5 5 6 6 ... // value in col 3 is equal to value in col 2
0 0 1 0 ...
7 0 8 8 ... // value from col 2 copied to col 3
9 0 9 9 ... // value from col 2 copied to col 3
. . . .




DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            const int numCols = 10;
        int curCol = 4;
        int searchRow = 1;
        int startRow = 3;
        int numRows = 25;
        int hashVal = dt.Rows[searchRow][curCol].GetHashCode();
        var thisValue = dt.Rows[searchRow][curCol];
        //iterate cols and rows
        for(int c = 0; c < numCols; c++)
            for(int r = startRow; r < startRow + numRows; r++)
                int thisHash = dt.Rows[r][c].GetHashCode();
                if (thisHash == hashVal)
                    dt.Rows[r][c] = thisValue;
