
本文关键字:类型 泛型类型参数 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:04:15


public interface IThing {}
public class Thing1 : IThing {}
public class Thing2 : IThing {}
public interface IContainer {}
public class Container1 : IContainer
    public IThing A { get { return new Thing1(); } }
    public IThing B { get { return new Thing2(); } }
public class Container2 : IContainer
    public IThing C { get { return new Thing1(); } }
    public IThing D { get { return new Thing2(); } }
public class SomeClass
    public void PerformTask() {}
public static class ExtensionMethods
    // This function behaves as I would expect, inferring TContainer
    public static TContainer DoStuffWithThings<TContainer>(this TContainer container, Func<TContainer, IThing> getSomething, Func<TContainer, IThing> getSomethingElse) 
        where TContainer : IContainer
        var something = getSomething.Invoke(container);
        var somethingElse = getSomethingElse.Invoke(container);
        // something and something else are the things we specify in our lambda expressions with respect to the container
        return container;
    // The method in question
    public static TCustomReturnType DoStuffWithThings<TContainer, TCustomReturnType>(this TContainer container, Func<TContainer, IThing> getSomething, Func<TContainer, IThing> getSomethingElse)
        where TContainer : IContainer
        where TCustomReturnType : new()
        var something = getSomething.Invoke(container);
        var somethingElse = getSomethingElse.Invoke(container);
        // Do stuff with the things just as above
        // This time we return our custom type
        return new TCustomReturnType();
public class Driver
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var container1 = new Container1();
        var container2 = new Container2();
        // I can do stuff with the things for each container, returning the container each time.
        container1.DoStuffWithThings(c => c.A, c => c.B)
                  .DoStuffWithThings(c => c.B, c => c.A);
        container2.DoStuffWithThings(c => c.C, c => c.D)
                  .DoStuffWithThings(c => c.D, c => c.C);
        // Now we try to do the same but with the custom return type
        container1.DoStuffWithThings<Container1, SomeClass>(c => c.A, c => c.B)
        // As you can see, the compiler requires us to specify Container1 as the container type.
        // Why is it not inferred? It is called from an instance of Container1.
        // The behavior I expect is for container1.DoStuffWithThings<SomeClass>(...) to infer
        // the container type and return a new instance of SomeClass.





public static TResult DoStuffWithThings<TContainer, TResult>(
    this TContainer container,
    Func<TContainer, TResult> getSomething)



public static IntermediateResult<T> DoStuffWithThings<T>(this T container)
public class IntermediateResult<T>
    public WithReturnType<TResult>()


var result = container.DoStuffWithThings().WithReturnType<Result>();