Unity3D XML(-RPC) and C#

本文关键字:and -RPC XML Unity3D | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:06:36


我一定是世界上唯一一个尝试这样做的人,但考虑到我花了大约一周的时间来解决这个问题-我想如果有另一个人想在Unity中使用XML(- rpc) -我将为他们节省一周的麻烦。


Unity3D XML(-RPC) and C#



public  string buildXMLRPCRequest(Hashtable FieldArray,string MethodName) 
    string  ReturnString = "";
    ReturnString    +=         "<?xml version='"1.0'" encoding='"iso-8859-1'"?>" +
                        "'n" + "<simpleRPC version='"0.9'">" +
                        "'n" + "<methodCall>" +
                        "'n" + "<methodName>" + MethodName + "</methodName>" +
                        "'n" + "<vector type='"struct'">";
    ReturnString    +=  buildNode(FieldArray);
    ReturnString    +=  "'n</vector>" +
                        "'n</methodCall>" +
    return  ReturnString;
public  string buildNode(Hashtable FieldArray) 
    string  ReturnList = "";
    foreach (DictionaryEntry Item in FieldArray)    {
        string  TypeName    =   "int";
        string  NodeType    =   "scalar";
        Type myType =   Item.Value.GetType();
        string  fieldValue  =   "";
        if (myType == typeof(string) ) {
            TypeName    =   "string";
            fieldValue  =   Item.Value.ToString();
        if (myType == typeof(Hashtable) ) {
            fieldValue  =   buildNode(Item.Value as Hashtable);
            NodeType    =   "vector";
            TypeName    =   "struct";
        if (myType == typeof(int) ) {
            fieldValue  =   Item.Value.ToString();
            TypeName    = "int";
        var ThisNode    =   "'n<" + NodeType + " type='"" + TypeName + "'" id='"" + Item.Key + "'">" + fieldValue + "</" + NodeType + ">";
        ReturnList +=   ThisNode;
    return ReturnList;

buildXMLRPCRequest用于构建XML。你交给它一个HashTable,其中包含你想要编码的字段,可能包括类型:int, string或HashTable的对象。它将返回一个格式优美的(简单的)XML-RPC字符串,该字符串已准备好发送到我们的服务器。





    private     void UnityPostXML(  int Staging,
                                        string WebServer,
                                        string MethodName,
                                        Hashtable   FieldArray)
        string  WebServiceURL   =   "http://LIVESERVER/";
        if (Staging == 1) {
            WebServiceURL       =   "http://TESTSERVER";
        // Encode the text to a UTF8 byte arrray
        string XMLRequest   =   buildXMLRPCRequest(FieldArray,MethodName);
        System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
        byte[] myByteArray = enc.GetBytes(XMLRequest);

         // Get the Unity WWWForm object (a post version)

        var form = new WWWForm();
        var url = WebServiceURL;
        //  Add a custom header to the request.
        //  Change the content type to xml and set the character set
        var headers = form.headers;
        // Post a request to an URL with our rawXMLData and custom headers
        var www = new WWW(WebServiceURL, myByteArray, headers);
        //  Start a co-routine which will wait until our servers comes back
IEnumerator WaitForRequest(WWW www)
    yield return www;
    // check for errors
    if (www.error == null)
        Debug.Log("WWW Ok!: " + www.text);
    } else {
        Debug.Log("WWW Error: "+ www.error);
  • 使用UTF8将XML编码为ByteArray
  • 创建新的Unity WWWForm
  • 创建一个HashTable,存储当前http头文件(如果有的话),并将内容类型覆盖到text/xml
  • 发送该批次到服务器
  • 设置一个等待回复的协程



    private     string NormalXMLCall(int Staging,
                                         string WebServer,
                                         string MethodName,
                                         Hashtable Fields)
        //  Figure out who to call
        string  WebServiceURL   =   "http://LIVSERVER";
        if (Staging == 1) {
            WebServiceURL       =   "http://TESTSERVER";
        WebServiceURL           +=  WebServer;
        //  Build the request
        XmlRpcParser    parser  =   new XmlRpcParser();
        string XMLRequest       = parser.buildXMLRPCRequest(Fields,MethodName);
        //  Fire it off
        HttpWebRequest httpRequest =(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(WebServiceURL);
        httpRequest.Method = "POST";
        //Defining the type of the posted data as XML
        httpRequest.ContentType = "text/xml";
        // string data = xmlDoc.InnerXml;
        byte[] bytedata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XMLRequest);
        // Get the request stream.
        Stream requestStream = httpRequest.GetRequestStream();
        // Write the data to the request stream.
        requestStream.Write(bytedata, 0, bytedata.Length);
        //Get Response
        HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
        // Get the stream associated with the response.
        Stream receiveStream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream ();
        // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. 
        StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader (receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8);
        string  ReceivedData    =   readStream.ReadToEnd ();
        httpResponse.Close ();
        readStream.Close ();
        return  ReceivedData;


public string findNode(string Xml,string SearchForTag) {
    int     NestCounter     =   0;
    bool    FoundTag        =   false;
    int     FoundTagLevel   =   0;
    string  ReturnValue     =   null;
    //  Break it down by "<"
    string  []  TagArray    =   Xml.Split('<');
    for (int i=0;i<TagArray.Length;i++) {
        if (i>175 && i<180) {
            int Hello=1;
        string  ThisLine    =   "<" + TagArray[i];
        if (ThisLine.Length <= 1)                                           continue;
        if ((ThisLine.Length >= 2) && (ThisLine.Substring(0,2) == "<?"))    continue;
        if ((ThisLine.Length >= 3) && (ThisLine.Substring(0,3) == "<--"))   continue;
        //  It can be a vector or a scalar - vectors are full of scalars so we'll
        ThisLine                =   ThisLine.Replace("  "," ");
        ThisLine                =   ThisLine.Replace("</","</");
        string  []  FieldArray  =   ThisLine.Split(' ');
        bool    AddLineToResult =   FoundTag;
        //  Nest counter is the level we are operating on. We only check the first
        //  Level. When a vector is found we increase the NestCount and we won't
        //  search for the ID
        if (NestCounter <= 1) { //  Initial array we are looking on level 1
            for (int a=0;a<FieldArray.Length;a++) {
                string  ThisTag =   FieldArray[a];
                string  []  TagValue    =   ThisTag.Split("='"".ToCharArray(),5);
                //  Every TagValue is xx=yy pair... we want "ID='"xxx'" 
                if (TagValue.Length >= 3) {
                    string  TagName =   TagValue[2];
                    if (TagName == SearchForTag) {
                        FoundTag        =   true;
                        FoundTagLevel   =   NestCounter;
                        //  This could be a vector or Scalar so find the ">" in this string
                        //  and start adding from there
                        int TerminatePos    =   ThisLine.IndexOf(">");
                        if ((TerminatePos >= 0) && (TerminatePos < ThisLine.Length))  {
                            ReturnValue =   ThisLine.Substring(TerminatePos+1);
        if (FieldArray.Length > 0) {
            string  ThisField   =   FieldArray[0].ToLower();
             * If we are in the loop where we have found the tag,
             * we haven't changed level and this is the end of a scalar it must
             * mean that the tag was a scalar so we can safely leave now.
            if ((FoundTag) && (FoundTagLevel == NestCounter) && (ThisField == "</scalar>")) {
                // return ReturnValue;
            //  If we end or leave a vector we change the NestCounter
            if (ThisField.IndexOf("<vector") >= 0) {
            else if (ThisField.IndexOf("</vector>") >= 0) {
        //  If we have found our tag and the nest counte goes below the level 
        //  we where looking at - it's time to leave
        if (FoundTag) {
            if (NestCounter <= FoundTagLevel) {
                //return    ReturnValue;
        if (AddLineToResult) {
            ReturnValue +=  ThisLine;
    //  You may wanna do some url decoding here....
    return ReturnValue;