
本文关键字:扑克 检查 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:08:12


我已经创建了一个名为card的对象,它有花色、秩和值(J = 11, Q =12等)。我的方法将被传递一个包含7张牌的对象列表(孔牌和棋盘)



public bool CheckPair(List<Card> cards)
    //see if exactly 2 cards card the same rank.
    return cards.GroupBy(card => card.Rank).Count(group => group.Count() == 2) == 1;
public bool CheckTwoPair(List<Card> cards)
    //see if there are 2 lots of exactly 2 cards card the same rank.
    return cards.GroupBy(card => card.Rank).Count(group => group.Count() >= 2) == 2;
public bool CheckTrips(List<Card> cards)
    //see if exactly 3 cards card the same rank.
    return cards.GroupBy(card => card.Rank).Any(group => group.Count() == 3);
public bool CheckStraight(List<Card> cards)
    // order by decending to see order
    var cardsInOrder = cards.OrderByDescending(a => a.Value).ToList();
    // check for ace as can be high and low
    if (cardsInOrder.First().Rank == "A")
        // check if straight with ace has has 2 values
        bool highStraight = cards.Where(a => a.Rank == "K" || a.Rank == "Q" || a.Rank == "J" || a.Rank == "10").Count() == 4;
        bool lowStraight = cards.Where(a => a.Rank == "2" || a.Rank == "3" || a.Rank == "4" || a.Rank == "5").Count() == 4;
        // return true if straight with ace
        if (lowStraight == true || highStraight == true)
            return true;
        // check for straight here
        return true;
    // no straight if reached here.
    return false;
public bool CheckFlush(List<Card> cards)
    //see if 5 or more cards card the same rank.
    return cards.GroupBy(card => card.Suit).Count(group => group.Count() >= 5) == 1;
public bool CheckFullHouse(List<Card> cards)
    // check if trips and pair is true
    return CheckPair(cards) && CheckTrips(cards);
public bool CheckQuads(List<Card> cards)
    //see if exactly 4 cards card the same rank.
    return cards.GroupBy(card => card.Rank).Any(group => group.Count() == 4);
// need to check same 5 cards
public bool CheckStraightFlush(List<Card> cards)
    // check if flush and straight are true.
    return CheckFlush(cards) && CheckStraight(cards);




public bool CheckStraight(List<Card> cards)
     //maybe check 5 and 10 here first for performance
     var ordered = cards.OrderByDescending(a => a.Value).ToList();
     for(i = 0; i < ordered.Count - 5; i++) {
          var skipped = ordered.Skip(i);
          var possibleStraight = skipped.Take(5);
          if(IsStraight(possibleStraight)) {
               return true;
     return false;
public bool IsStraight(List<Card> fiveOrderedCards) {
     var doubles = cards.GroupBy(card => card.Rank).Count(group => group.Count() > 1);
     var inARow = cards[4] - cards[0] = 5; //Ace is 0
     return !doubles && inARow;


public bool CheckStraight(List<Card> cards)
        //maybe check 5 and 10 here first for performance
        var ordered = cards.OrderByDescending(a => a.Value).ToList();
        for (var i = 0; i < ordered.Count - 4; i++)
            var skipped = ordered.Skip(i);
            var possibleStraight = skipped.Take(5).ToList();
            if (IsStraight(possibleStraight))
                return true;
        return false;
public bool IsStraight(List<Card> cards)
    return cards.GroupBy(card => card.Value).Count() == cards.Count() && cards.Max(card => (int)card.Value) - cards.Min(card => (int)card.Value) == 4;

function bool IsStraight(IEnumerable<int> cards)
    var orderedCards = cards.OrderBy(n => n).ToList();
    var test = orderdCards.Zip(orderdCards.Skip(1), (a, b) => b - a);
    var count = 0;
    foreach(var n in test)
        if (n == 1)
            if (count == 4)
                return true;
            count = 0;
    return false;


int c = 5; // How many cards straight
bool Ais1 = cards.OrderBy(a => a.Value).Select((i,j) => i.Value-j).Distinct().Skip(1).Count() <= (cards.Count - c);
bool Ais14 = cards.OrderBy(a => (a.Value == 1 ? 14 : a.Value)).Select((i,j) => (i.Value == 1 ? 14 : i.Value)-j).Distinct().Skip(1).Count() <= (cards.Count - c);
return Ais1 || Ais14;
