Unity 3D随机问答游戏

本文关键字:游戏 问答 随机 3D Unity | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:11:29


private int idMode;
public Text question;
public Text answerA;
public Text answerB;
public Text answerC;
public Text answerD;
public Text infoAnswer;
public Text stat;
public string[] questions;          
public string[] alternativeA;   
public string[] alternativeB;
public string[] alternativeC;
public string[] alternativeD;
public string[] correct;
private int idQuestion; 
private float points;
private float fact; 
private float average;
private int results;
void Start () {
    idMode = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("idMode");
    idQuestion = 0;
    fact = questions.Length;
    question.text = questions [idQuestion];
    answerA.text = alternativeA [idQuestion];
    answerB.text = alternativeB [idQuestion];
    answerC.text = alternativeC [idQuestion];
    answerD.text = alternativeD [idQuestion];
    infoAnswer.text = (idQuestion + 1).ToString() + " of " + fact.ToString () + "";
public void answer(string alternative)
    if (alternative == "A") {
        if (alternativeA [idQuestion] == correct [idQuestion]) {
            points += 1;
        } else {
    if (alternative == "B") {
        if (alternativeB [idQuestion] == correct [idQuestion]) {
            points += 1;
        } else {
    if (alternative == "C") {
        if (alternativeC [idQuestion] == correct [idQuestion]) {
            points += 1;
        } else {
    if (alternative == "D") {
        if (alternativeD [idQuestion] == correct [idQuestion]) {
            points += 1;
        } else {
    nextQuestion ();
void nextQuestion()
    idQuestion += Random.Range(0,10);
    if(idQuestion <= (fact-1))
        question.text = questions [idQuestion];
        answerA.text = alternativeA [idQuestion];
        answerB.text = alternativeB [idQuestion];
        answerC.text = alternativeC [idQuestion];
        answerD.text = alternativeD [idQuestion];
        stat.text = " Correct: " + points.ToString () + "";
        infoAnswer.text =  (idQuestion + 1).ToString() + " of " + fact.ToString () + "";
        average = 10 * (points / fact);
        results = Mathf.RoundToInt (average);
        if (results > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("results" + idMode.ToString ())) {
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("results" + idMode.ToString (), results);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("points" + idMode.ToString (), (int)points);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("resultsTemp" + idMode.ToString (), results);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("pointsTemp" + idMode.ToString (), (int)points);

Unity 3D随机问答游戏



public class Question
    public string Text;
    public string A;
    public string B;
    public string C;
    public string D;
    public string CorrectChoice; //Holds "A", "B", "C", or "D"
public static class RandomExtensions
    public static void Shuffle<T> (this T[] array)
        int n = array.Length;
        while (n > 1) 
            int k = Random.Range(0, n--);
            T temp = array[n];
            array[n] = array[k];
            array[k] = temp;


private int idMode;
public Text question;
public Text answerA;
public Text answerB;
public Text answerC;
public Text answerD;
public Text infoAnswer;
public Text stat;
public Question[] questions;
private int idQuestion; 
private float points;
private float fact; 
private float average;
private int results;
void Start () {
    idMode = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("idMode");
    idQuestion = 0;
    fact = questions.Length;
    question.text = questions[idQuestion].Text;
    answerA.text = questions[idQuestion].A;
    answerB.text = questions[idQuestion].B;
    answerC.text = questions[idQuestion].C;
    answerD.text = questions[idQuestion].D;
    infoAnswer.text = (idQuestion + 1).ToString() + " of " + fact.ToString () + "";
public void answer(string alternative)
    if (alternative == questions[idQuestion].CorrectChoice) 
        points += 1;
    nextQuestion ();
void nextQuestion()
    idQuestion += Random.Range(0,10);
    if(idQuestion <= (fact-1))
        question.text = questions[idQuestion].Text;
        answerA.text = questions[idQuestion].A;
        answerB.text = questions[idQuestion].B;
        answerC.text = questions[idQuestion].C;
        answerD.text = questions[idQuestion].D;
        stat.text = " Correct: " + points.ToString () + "";
        infoAnswer.text =  (idQuestion + 1).ToString() + " of " + fact.ToString () + "";
        average = 10 * (points / fact);
        results = Mathf.RoundToInt (average);
        if (results > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("results" + idMode.ToString ())) {
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("results" + idMode.ToString (), results);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("points" + idMode.ToString (), (int)points);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("resultsTemp" + idMode.ToString (), results);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("pointsTemp" + idMode.ToString (), (int)points);


private int idMode;
public Text question;
public Text answerA;
public Text answerB;
public Text answerC;
public Text answerD;
public Text infoAnswer;
public Text stat;
public string[] questions;          
public string[] alternativeA;   
public string[] alternativeB;
public string[] alternativeC;
public string[] alternativeD;
public string[] correct;
private int idQuestion; 
private float points;
private float fact; 
private float average;
private int results;
private int[] questionMapper;
void Start () {
    idMode = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("idMode");
    idQuestion = 0;
    fact = questions.Length;
    questionMapper = new int[questions.Count];
    for(int i = 0; i < questionMapper.Count; i++)
        questionMapper[i] = i;
    question.text = questions [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
    answerA.text = alternativeA [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
    answerB.text = alternativeB [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
    answerC.text = alternativeC [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
    answerD.text = alternativeD [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
    infoAnswer.text = (idQuestion + 1).ToString() + " of " + fact.ToString () + "";
void nextQuestion()
    idQuestion += Random.Range(0,10);
    if(idQuestion <= (fact-1))
        question.text = questions [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
        answerA.text = alternativeA [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
        answerB.text = alternativeB [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
        answerC.text = alternativeC [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
        answerD.text = alternativeD [questionMapper[idQuestion]];
        stat.text = " Correct: " + points.ToString () + "";
        infoAnswer.text =  (idQuestion + 1).ToString() + " of " + fact.ToString () + "";
        average = 10 * (points / fact);
        results = Mathf.RoundToInt (average);
        if (results > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("results" + idMode.ToString ())) {
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("results" + idMode.ToString (), results);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("points" + idMode.ToString (), (int)points);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("resultsTemp" + idMode.ToString (), results);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("pointsTemp" + idMode.ToString (), (int)points);