
本文关键字:可应用 许多 突变 数据集 属性 大型 映射 用于 一种 游戏 解决方案 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:36:47


一个对我来说相当棘手的模块的声音设计时遇到了一些麻烦。实际的业务逻辑让我陷入了可怕的混乱,所以我把它改写成更容易理解的形式。我用 C# 编码,尽管我想实际设计与语言无关。


public Character
    public string charName;
    public int charStrength;
    public int charHitPoints;
    public List<Item> equippedItems;
public Item
    public string itemName;
    public List<ItemProperty> itemProperties;   
public ItemProperty
    public int propertyValue;
    public virtual void applyPropertyModification(Character charStatsToBeModified){}

字符数据采用 XML 格式:

    <Name>John Doe</Name>
            <Name>Short Sword</Name>

我正在寻找一种从 XML 加载字符数据的方法,它允许我轻松添加 X 个通用新字符属性(想象一下 50 个左右)和/或 Y 个通用项目属性(想象一下 100-150 个左右)。


每个可能的字符属性都将作为新属性添加到 Character 类中。随着属性数量的增加,可能会变得笨拙。每个可能的 Item 属性都添加为其自己的 ItemProperty 子类,并具有适当的 applyPropertyModification 方法。

public Strength : ItemProperty
    public override void applyPropertyModification(Character charStatsToBeModified)
        charStatsToBeModified.charStrength += this.propertyValue



将使用反射创建,元素 XML 标记对应于相应的 ItemProperty 子类(我认为替代方案是 100 条件开关?




这里的一些人走在正确的道路上......但是没有人一针见血,所以它就在这里。 看起来你开始走在正确的道路上,但需要更进一步。 我在代码中用注释写了这个,让它为我做一些解释。


//So you have a character...
public class Character
    //You know you ALWAYS need Raw Attribs in a game
    private Dictionary<string, Attrib> _rawAttributes;
    //You know you will always need a record of modified attribs
    private Dictionary<string, Attrib> _modifiedAttributes;
    //And while your at it, take a light optimization to not have to recalculate everytime
    private bool _areModifiedAttribsCurrent { get; set; }
    //A character has gear! This is what makes the world go around
    public List<Equipment> Equipment { get; private set; }
    //You don't want to give public access to setting gear, this should be controlled.
    //You'll want to do more as far as remove / change... but this'll get you started
    public void AddEquipment(Equipment e)
        _areModifiedAttribsCurrent = false;
    //And a way to add attribs and set base values..
    //once again, you will want more but this will get you started
    public void AddAttribute(Attrib x)
        _rawAttributes.Add(x.Name, x);
    //Finally you want a way to fetch the modified attribs
    //Keep in mind you need to do the copy dance in the  apply to not upset your 
    //base stats.
    public Dictionary<string, Attrib> FetchModifiedAttributes()
        if (!_areModifiedAttribsCurrent)
            var traceAttribs = _rawAttributes;
            foreach (var e in Equipment.OrderBy(x => x.ApplyOrder))
                traceAttribs = e.ApplyModifiers(traceAttribs);
            _modifiedAttributes = traceAttribs;
        return _modifiedAttributes;
//Attrib, pretty simple.. Could go away but we all know attribs have effects so don't even start down that path
//You WILL need this class later on... but right now it looks pretty meaningless.
public class Attrib
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Value { get; set; }
//GEAR... yes, this is what all RPG lovers love... 
//Grind for that awesome gear!
public class Equipment
    //Ok so I put in some stuff unrelated to your problem but you need a name right?!
    public string Name { get; set; }
    //What order does gear effect stats... this is important if you do more than flat modifiers.
    public int ApplyOrder { get; set; }
    //What modifiers does this gear have?!
    public List<Modifier> ItemModifiers { get; set; }
    //Aha.... let the gear apply its modifiers to an attrib dictionary... I knew I loved OO for some reason
    public Dictionary<string, Attrib> ApplyModifiers(Dictionary<string, Attrib> inParams)
        //Copy / Clone... Whatever you want to call it this is important as to not 
        //unintentionally screw up yoru base collection.
        var response = new Dictionary<string, Attrib>();
        foreach (var m in ItemModifiers)
            //If we have this attrib, keep going
            if (inParams.ContainsKey(m.TargetName))
                //If this is the first time the response ran into it, add it
                if (!response.ContainsKey(m.TargetName))
                    response.Add(m.TargetName, inParams[m.TargetName]);
                //And wait what's this... let the Modifier apply it!?  
                //yes... pass it down again... you'll see why in a second.
        return response;
//A modifier... what the!?
//Yep... abstraction is key to maintainable and expandable code
public class Modifier
    public string TargetName { get; set; }
    public decimal ModifierValue { get; set; }
    //The other stuff is kind of pointless... but this is where the magic happens... All in a modifier type.
    public ModifierType ModifierType { get; set; }
    //Let the modifier apply it's own values... off the type... yea
    //I did that on purpose ;-)
    public void Apply(Attrib a)
        a.Value = ModifierType.ApplyModifier(this, a.Value);
//Decoration... Wonderful
//This base class gives you a interface to work with... Hell, it could be an interface but I decided
//to type abstract today.
public abstract class ModifierType
    public abstract string ModifierName { get; }
    public abstract decimal ApplyModifier(Modifier m, decimal InitialValue);
//A concrete type of ModifierType... This is what determines how the modifier value is applied.
//This gives you more flexibility than hard coding modifier types.  If you really wanted to you could
//serialize these and store lambda expressions in the DB so you not only have type driven logic, you could have
//data driven behavior.
public class FlatModifier : ModifierType
    //The names can be really handy if you want to expose calculations to players.
    public override string ModifierName { get { return "Flat Effect"; } }
    //And finally... let the calculation happen!  Time to bubble back up!
    public override decimal ApplyModifier(Modifier m, decimal InitialValue)
        return InitialValue + m.ModifierValue;

让您的对象为您完成工作。 我知道它来自 XML,但让它们反序列化到您的对象中并调用一些选择方法来处理它。 这阻止了一些令人讨厌的问题,例如 C# 是参考和所有烦人的东西。 此外,它还可以防止冗余处理传递提升您的对象图。



最简单的解决方案是简单地读取 XML 元素并构造一个包含值的Dictionary<string, string>。然后,对于字典的每个元素,如果Character类型公开字典键中的匹配属性/字段,请尝试通过使用该值的反射来设置属性的值。即:

Character someCharacter = // Create your character
Dictionary<string, string> myDictionary = // Load XML and transform
var properties = someCharacter.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in myDictionary)
    var matchingProperty = properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PropertyName.ToLower() == kvp.Key.ToLower());
    if(matchingProperty != null)
        matchingProperty.SetValue(character, kvp.Value, null); // make sure to type convert if necesary here, since kvp.Value is a string, etc

您只需编写一次代码,因此您可以向 XML/对象添加属性,并能够根据需要覆盖。

而不是使用反射。更改 xml 以匹配如下所示的内容

  <Item name="Short Sword">
      <Property name="Strength" type="int">10<Property>               
      <Propery name="HitPoints" type="int">200</HitPoints>



private Dictionary<String, Dynamic> _properties = new Dictionary<String,Dynamic>();
public dynamic this[Strng argIndex]
  get {return _properties[argIndex];}


characters["Fred"].Hitpoints = characters["Fred"].Items["Short Sword"].Hitpoints * characters["Fred"].Experience["Blades"]


注意它会慢一点,因为基本上这是使用 .net 版本的 Ducktyping,它使用后期绑定,但它非常灵活,如果你想付出代价,在运行时为 sirry ellors。